1. Берстенова А. Б. Ағылшын тілі пәні бойынша : I-II курс студ арн практикалық сабақтардың әдістемелік нұсқаулары / А. Б. Берстенова, А. А. Байжанова, А. А. Батинова, 2014

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5 практикалык сабак КШТ

Тақырып 5: The Earth’s resources
Сағат саны: 3
Тақырыптың негізгі сұрақтары:
1. The use of resources
2. Renewable and nonrenewable resourses
3. Energy resources support industrialization.
Әдістемелік нұсқау: Scan each text and formulate the main ideas. Read the text again carefully and memorize it, then retell the text close to the original.Answer the questions. complete lexical and grammatical tasks. Write the translation of the following text or render its content in English. Retell the following text in English.Make an outline of the lesson’s topic and render its content in 2-3 min.talk.
1. Берстенова А.Б. Ағылшын тілі пәні бойынша : I-II курс студ. арн. практикалық сабақтардың әдістемелік нұсқаулары / А.Б.Берстенова, А.А.Байжанова, А.А.Батинова, 2014.
2. Жетписбаева Б.А. Английский язык для естественнонаучных специальностей : Учебное пособие / Б. А. Жетписбаева, Ж. Г. Шайхызада, Л. М. Сугралина, 2014.
3. Ж.А.Есказинова, Г.Н.Рамашова, Н.В.Дениварова и др. Иностранный язык для академических целей : Учебно-методическое пособие, 2014.
4. G.Z. Zhomartova., D.A. Kadirbaeva. Modern world geography CIS countries, 2017
1. Reading and learning
Scan each text and formulate the main ideas. Read the text again carefully and memorize it, then retell the text close to the original.

1.1 The use of resources
Natural resources. Resources help people satisfy their needs and wants. Natural resources - a naturally occurring material that can be used to produce goods and services - occur as part of the environment and are an important part of an area's characteristics. Renewable resources can be used over and over again, but scarce and non-renewable resources must be conserved or recycled for use by future generations.
Earth is a planet rich in the materials necessary to support life. People can live only by making use of the earth's natural resources. Resources include not only minerals, soil, water, forests, and wildlife, but also air and the energy of the sun when people know how to make use of them. People convert the things that nature provides into useful machines, tools, and foods. Even the most desolate and isolated areas of the world contain at least some resources, or materials that people use to meet basic needs and wants.
As people use natural resources, they change the natural landscape. Changes in the landscape brought about by mining and farming illustrate this idea. Yet the use of natural resources also brings about changes in the cultural landscape. Centuries ago the Romans built stone aqueducts to carry water to many parts of the Roman Empire. For some people, this made water readily available for the first time. Today vehicles use highways, canals, and airways to speed the movement of valuable resources throughout the world. Not all people in the world use natural resources in the same way. Factors that affect the use of natural resources include cultural differences, technological change, economic factors, and geopolitics.

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