№4(76)/2014 Серия педагогика

The contingent of foreign students who studied in higher educational

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The contingent of foreign students who studied in higher educational  
institutions of Kazakhstan (1970–1990) 
Higher educational institution 
Kazakh state university named after 
S.M. Kirov 
Other higher educational institutions 
Cuba, Jordan,   
Algeria, Mongolia, 
Vietnam, Laos, 
Afghanistan, Italy 
Cuba, Mongolia,  
Vietnam, Afghani-
stan, China, Bolivia, 
Palestine, Mauritania
Israel, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Laos, 
Colombia, Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, 
Sudan, Iran, Angola, Ecuador, In-
dia, Peru, the Comoros, the Philip-
pines, Burkina Faso, Mali, Bangla-
desh and others. 
The number of foreign students was concentrated in the Kazakh National University named after Al-
Farabi, as in 1985, began to work the preparatory faculty for 100 foreign students, which was established by 
the Order № 452 of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR from 06.19.1985 
«On the opening in Kazakh national university preparatory faculty for foreign citizens», signed by the Minis-
ter Elyutin V.P. based on the letter of the Kazakh SSR Ministry of Higher Education № 2–9–252 from 
11.03.1985 year. Opening of the preparatory faculty for foreign citizens was preceded by the dean's office 
and the Department of Russian Language for Foreign Students. Creation in 1985 of the preparatory faculty 
for foreign citizens on the basis of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi was due to the 
need to train qualified personnel for the countries of Central and South-East Asia, Middle East, Africa and 
Latin America. 
Graduates of the preparatory faculty for foreign citizens had the opportunity to continue their studies in 
higher educational institutions of the USSR in the chosen specialty. Most of the students were from Yemen, 
Laos, Cambodia, Nigeria, Palestine, Chile, USA, China, Turkey, El Salvador, Tunisia, Afghanistan, India, 
Syria, Tanzania, Israel, Sudan, Iran, Japan, etc. [14, 15]. The fact that an increasing number of foreign stu-
dents who after graduation did not return to his homeland: in 1988 there were 115 people. We believe that 
this phenomenon should be the subject of special studies aimed at clarifying these find factors and causes, as 
the results of such studies will largely contribute to the development of strategic directions and forecasting 
prospects as international educational programs, as well as inter-state relations. In addition to the preparatory 
department of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi in training foreign students there were 
involved other departments. In the 1978–1979, the Faculty of Philosophy and Economics of the University 
was accepted 15 students from the Republic of Cuba. Next academic year, 13 Cuban students entered the 
above mentioned faculty, 4 — on the Department of Chemistry, 4 representatives of the Mongolian People's 
Republic began their study at the Faculty of Philology in «Kazakh and Russian language». Among the first 
foreign students were also representatives from Vietnam, Laos and Afghanistan. The rest of the contingent of 
foreign students was dispersed in other universities of Almaty. Thus, in 1985, 211 foreign students study in 
KazPTI (119 people from Cuba, 8 — from Palestine, 2 — from Afghanistan, 1 — from Bolivia, 1 — from 
Mauritania) in ASMI 47 international students (from Mongolia — 11, Afghanistan — 16, Laos — 9, Costa 
Rica — 2, Nicaragua — 1, Mali — 1, Ecuador — 1, Cambodia — 1), AASI had only 30 foreign students 
(from Cuba — 25, Jordan 1, Afghanistan — 1, Yemen — 2, Lebanon — 3, Syria — 1, Iraq — 10). 
In 1986, a contingent of foreign students was 729 people from 39 countries who were living in 13 hos-
tels of educational institutions. The number of foreign students in the 1988–1989 academic year, eight uni-

The main stages of international… 
Серия «Педагогика». № 4(76)/2014 
versities and two secondary special educational institutions reached 1,347 students and trainees from 65 for-
eign countries. Of this number, 232 persons were citizens of socialist countries, 659 — from Asia, 394 — 
Africa, 62 — Latin America, of which the State Conservatory studied 11 students, in ASTI — 10, in AZVI 
— 144, at the preparatory department of ASMI — 57 and in ASMI — 232, in Kazakh agricultural Institute 
— 76, in Alma-Ata Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering — 113, the Kazakh National University 
— 153, the preparatory department of Kazakh National University — 237, in the Kazakh Polytechnic Insti-
tute — 331 students [16]. The party and Soviet agencies, administrations, educational institutions, non-
governmental organizations carried out systematic monitoring of the sanitary condition of the living condi-
tions of the hostels, held in them the political-educational work. In general, the existing system of training of 
foreign citizens assumed a one-year study of Russian as a foreign language in the preparatory departments. 
Many foreigners, who came to study at the universities of Almaty, finished the preparatory departments of 
universities in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. In 1988, the Council of Ministers adopted a special resolution, 
aimed at improving the entire system of foreign experts. In particular, it provided: a rigorous selection pro-
cess with the preparatory faculties, free attendance at lectures, re-training in the case of poor performance.  
The end of the second period is characterized by a significant reduction in the number of students from 
abroad, and major changes in the system of training for foreign countries: 
  abolition of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR, the Office of 
training for foreign countries; 
  granting universities autonomy in matters of training them for foreign students;  
  withdrawal of the state order universities to prepare foreign specialists, therefore, the termination of 
funding, in other words, before the universities faced with the need to earn money to support the develop-
ment of the material base and the solution of social, educational and organizational problems, so universities 
have started training from other states contractual basis. Thus, the accumulated experience in the first period 
of international cooperation in higher education, based on a gradual, but not intensive growth of the legal 
framework, which differs highly centralized management hierarchy, as in some sense a prerequisite for the 
next stage of development of external relations of universities of the country, has been transformed through 
partial decentralization of management, which is expressed in its powers to Moscow union republics. In ad-
dition, as a prerequisite for the development of international cooperation of Kazakhstan in the field of educa-
tion can be specified and a well-developed network of educational institutions, and high levels of education, 
including the percentage of admission to higher education institutions and almost universal literacy rate 
(97.5 % in early 1990’s). Kazakhstan education system is already characterized by mobility, openness, pro-
pensity to innovate, which is largely due to its integration into the world educational space at the present 
stage. The third period is associated with the acquisition of the state independence of Kazakhstan and the 
process of the formation of relations between Kazakhstan and the countries of the Commonwealth of Inde-
pendent States in the field of education. At the same time, Kazakhstan inherited from the Soviet system of 
education and the lack of significant laws governing international cooperation in the field of education, 
which in the first years of independence led to the activation of negative phenomena such as leakage of intel-
lectual potential abroad, illegal immigration in Kazakhstan under the pretext of training etc. By 1995, there 
was not even an objective statistics on the contingent of foreign students enrolled in higher education institu-
tions of Kazakhstan. During the financial crisis of the transition period Kazakhstan fought for the preserva-
tion of the achievements in the field of education, at the same time to carry out reforms of the education sys-
tem, based on the principles of an independent state and a market economy [17]. The struggle to maintain a 
unified educational space, despite the complexity of the political and economic situation, began immediately 
after the collapse of the Soviet Union. 
At present, there are two vectors in international relations in the field of education: Kazakh students 
study abroad and study of foreign students in Kazakhstan. Training of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan 
abroad is carried out in the following areas: 
 international educational exchanges; 
 scholarships to foreign governments and international organizations; 
 privately; 
 International «Bolashak» scholarship.  
The most important event of the greatest importance, was the Decree of the President of the Republic of 
Kazakhstan for the number 1394, November 5
, 1993, has established an international scholarship of the 
President of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Bolashak» for training abroad as a form of financial support for 

G.N.Akbaуeva, N.Ramashov 
Вестник Карагандинского университета 
education and training of the most talented young people abroad. Since 1994, about 800 young citizens of 
Kazakhstan have been trained in the most prestigious foreign universities for Master degree programs and 
PhD. To date, most of the graduates of the program «Bolashak» work in various fields of the national econ-
omy, the social sphere, in the public service.  
The selection of universities for applicants for the scholarship «Bolashak» engaged in foreign partners. 
On the basis of points for language testing and interview business fellows are sent to several foreign univer-
sities. Later, when the winner of the scholarship will be invited from various foreign universities, he will de-
termine the choice of the university, giving preference to the university, where his specialty is represented 
better. Particular attention is paid to the technical, engineering and medical specialties. Apparently this is due 
to the fact that, according to the medium and long term, Kazakhstan needs in such specialists. In this regard, 
certain exemptions are allowed in the requirements for the knowledge of a foreign language. This means that 
for those who choose humanities knowledge of a foreign language must be at the level of free communica-
tion. For engineering, medical and technical fields, on the recommendation of foreign partners, this criterion 
decreased to the minimum necessary, which would be enough to ensure that our students were able to pass a 
semester or two-semester language training abroad (paragraph 5 of the General Rules) [18, 19].  
One of the advantages of this program, in our opinion, is that there is no concept of «beneficiaries»: 
candidates take part in competitions on an equal basis, regardless of the existing differences in education, 
social position, etc.  
In this regard, lawful procedures and mechanisms presented the program «Bolashak», including: testing 
psychological maturity, interviews with the expert committee, which identifies the personal characteristics 
that would reveal its plans for the future, the level of self-esteem, etc. Fellow has the right job for working in 
an international organization abroad in obtaining the written permission of the National Commission. At the 
present stage of international relations are developing in the framework of the Lisbon Convention (April, 
1997), the Sorbonne (1998) and the Bologna Process (1999), which define the nature of reform of our educa-
tion system as a whole. In addition, implement educational programs of international organizations, 
UNESCO, the Peace Corps, United States Information Service (UCIS), the Soros Foundation, the American 
Council for International Studies (IREX), the American Council for Collaboration in Education and Lan-
guage Learning (ACTR / ACCELS), British Council , the German academic Exchange Service (DAAD) 
[81, 82], the National Center for school and university programs in France (CNOUS), Bureau of linguistic 
and pedagogical cooperation of the Embassy of France in Kazakhstan, carried out cooperation in the frame-
work of the «TASIS» and «TEMPUS», directed to establish academic links between universities of Kazakh-
stan and the European Union [20]. 
The most intensively developing external relations of Kazakhstan with countries such as Russia, USA, 
UK, Turkey, China, India, Syria, Pakistan, the Middle East. There is the practice of opening the joint interna-
tional universities: the Kazakh-Russian University, Kazakh-British Technical University, International Ka-
zakh-Turkish University H.A.Yassavi, International University «Suleyman Demirel», branch of Moscow 
State University named after M.Lomonosov at Eurasian National University named after L.N.Gumilуоv, Ka-
zakh-American University, and others.  
Currently, the international education market is global now. There is no country in the world, which 
was not involved in international educational exchanges. Objective tendency of the international community 
are active integration processes in the field of education and science.  
Despite the dissolution of the Union and the radical changes that have taken place in the life of our 
state, foreign students continued to come to the university. According to foreign students who came to study 
in the mid and late 90s, they were captured by the stable political situation of our young republic, but, first of 
all, the quality of the education in the university. For example, Professor Masahiko Takagi, a 70-year-old 
student from Japan, who has studied the Kazakh language in the preparatory department, expressed his admi-
ration for the quality of teaching and teachers' attitudes towards foreign students.  
Currently, the preparatory faculty for foreign citizens of the al-Farabi Kazakh National University pro-
vides training for foreign students of the one-year and two-year pre-university training programs in the Ka-
zakh and Russian languages in the following spheres of specializations: language, humanitarian, economic, 
biomedical and engineering.  
Since July 2001, the Preparatory Faculty for foreign language training provides students Cadets Kengi 
University (Republic of Korea), enrolled in summer courses. Kengi University — is one of the largest uni-
versities in South Korea. It's safe to say that the visit to study at the Kazakh National University named after 
Al-Farabi on the preparatory faculty for foreign citizens is becoming a tradition for the students of the above 

The main stages of international… 
Серия «Педагогика». № 4(76)/2014 
mentioned university. In the homeland of South Korean students have a certain selection before coming to 
study in Kazakhstan. The main purpose of the arrival of foreign citizens is the study of the Kazakh and Rus-
sian languages, sometimes both at once, as well as prepare for university studies in Kazakhstan. Every year 
international students participate in conferences of national and international levels. Analysis of the data 
showed that prior to independence in Kazakhstan came to get an education, students and representatives of 
the Third World, but from 1991 among the students there were representatives of the United States, China, 
Turkey, South Korea and the CIS countries.  
Attractiveness of Kazakhstan's niche in the global market of educational services is due to several fac-
tors: the combination of price and quality, the proximity to the growing Asian market, political stability in 
the country, the benevolent climate ethnic and religious tolerance. As is known, Kazakhstan has been active-
ly involved in the integration process. Thus, the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan in April 1997 was 
ratified the Lisbon Convention on the recognition of diplomas and qualifications concerning Higher Educa-
tion in the European Region. The Convention is the most significant legal instrument of international coop-
eration in the field of education for 55 countries, including Israel, Canada and the United States. Convention 
was developed as a joint initiative of the Council of Europe, UNESCO-CEPES, which are its depositories. 
The Convention and its supplementary texts for the first time created a unique and effective mechanism for 
academic and professional recognition for the widest possible range of diplomas / qualifications. Develop-
ment and application of this document prompted academic and political circles in Europe to further the inte-
gration of education within the framework of the Bologna process. The Convention's role is extremely high 
also because it is the only international legal instrument underpinning the formation of the European Higher 
Education Area. 
Innovation of convention manifested in the fact that it secured the rejection of such concepts as 
«nostrification» and «equivalence». They were replaced by single term «recognition». This is a result of the 
transition to a completely different than before, the principles and practice of evaluation of education docu-
ments. They are based on proximity or not revealing differences compared lists disciplines of educational 
programs and a comparison of the totality of the applicant's knowledge, resulting from all types of prior 
learning in terms of its capacity to master the next level program. On 18 November 2005, 37 States partici-
pating in the Bologna process of 45 ratified the Convention [21]. The signing of the Bologna Declaration, 
Kazakhstan reflecting the desire to harmonize the development of Kazakhstan's education system with global 
processes, the essence of which is constantly improve the quality, increase the competitiveness of graduates 
in the labor market, a rational combination of academic quality and applied nature of educational services. In 
this regard, the system of higher education in Kazakhstan conducted an experiment to introduce the loan 
program. It is expected that the inclusion of the Bologna process will contribute to the convertibility of na-
tional diplomas, as sources of rules, regulations and procedures of the Bologna process is in addition to a 
two-tier education system and also the system compatibility of credit transfer and accumulation of credits, 
accreditation procedures, evaluation and measurement of structures degrees. This involves the development 
of a system of external control and external accreditation. In general, the process of creating the institutional 
quality system must ensure the academic quality of universities, quality measurement, and providing this 
information to the public in order to make the right decisions on the state contribution to those or other insti-
tutions of higher education and to give full information to parents, prospective students and employers to 
adopt the relevant decisions.  
Due to the normative act «Regulations on the implementation of international cooperation agencies of 
education of Kazakhstan Republic» approved by the Ministry of education and science of Kazakhstan Re-
public on the 11
 of August, 1998, every major university in Kazakhstan should open international offices, 
establishment of joint institutions and branches with the educational institutions of foreign countries. Agree-
ments in this sphere allowed to use numerous assistance programs in various fields, among which figures the 
sphere of academic exchanges and the development of educational reforms. Within the framework of bilat-
eral cooperation, along with interstate and intergovernmental, signed and successfully implemented an 
agreement between the Ministries of Education of Kazakhstan and the United States, on which there is an 
exchange students, students and teachers.  
The emergence of this pattern can be traced on the example of the United States, producing 40 % of the 
production volume of the world market of education. In the United States continuously reducing the number 
of foreign students majoring in mass professions in the field of industrial production, agriculture, health care, 
some humanities, and at the same time increases the proportion of foreigners studying natural science, phi-
losophy and computer science, the percent of job seekers of academic degrees at the postgraduate level. Sim-

G.N.Akbaуeva, N.Ramashov 
Вестник Карагандинского университета 
ilar processes are characterized by an international education policy in Germany, France, the UK and some 
other advanced countries in the world. Twenty years of experience showed the abilities of Kazakhstan uni-
versities to adapt to market requirements. The most popular professions among foreign students are medical 
care, law, Kazakh language and literature, computer science, accounting and auditing. In accordance with 
changes in supply and demand in the global education market it was regrouped countries producing educa-
tional products. The first group includes countries that spend the main effort for the production of high-tech 
educational products and the highest academic level. The second group — the country, to maintain course on 
the issue of foreign specialists average academic level, and as a rule, mass occupations. In the third group 
trained specialists of local demand and represents the initial for high school academic level. According to the 
current state of the level of education development in Kazakhstan which can be attributed to the second 
group of countries, since the structure of exchanges in the field of education geared mainly to the training of 
foreign students in the average mass academic professions (by world standards) level.  
Higher Education in Kazakhstan at the present stage is characterized by a continuous structure of educa-
tion, involving the implementation of learning opportunities throughout their lives [22, 23], based on the 
modernization of national traditions and global trends in education, equality of access to all levels, the unity 
of its elements and requirements, continuity all levels of education.  
The experience of developed countries shows that public policy in education should not be limited only 
the training of specialists for the needs of sectors of the economy. It should be geared to meet the needs of 
individuals and their social needs, of which the most important is the need to preserve the identity, combined 
with the desire to integrate with other. In recent years there has been a steady growth of interest of research-
ers in the international relations of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the individual countries and states. 
However, outside the concrete historical analysis of other questions that are closely related to the cooperation 
in the field of education, it is in the context of the problems of education, cooperation between the national 
education system and the educational institutions of other countries. The multi-vector development of inter-
national cooperation in the field of education implies the existence of systemic analysis of the structure, con-
tent, status, achievements, education systems of the partner countries. The study and analysis of international 
relations in the field of education, their role in the training and education of young people is of great theoret-
ical and practical significance, currently, there is a general trend of convergence and use of the achievements 
of national educational systems.  
Thus, the experience of international cooperation, inherited from the Soviet system of education, in the 
years of independence progressively grown and nurtured. Another important factor, which is attractive for 
foreign students, is the political and economic stability, social cohesion of modern Kazakh society. 
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The main stages of international… 
Серия «Педагогика». № 4(76)/2014 
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Г.Н.Ақбаева, Н.Рамашов 

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