Industrial Organization
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Purposes of development of a course are expansion and increasing
knowledge of students in the field of the microeconomic analysis of the
markets with considerable use of mathematical apparatus; studying by
students of sections of a course: firm, oligopolistichesky competition
and arrangement, price and not price strategy, granting and entrance
control; studying of models of behavior of firms in the conditions of the
imperfect competition;
studying of the theoretical principles of market regulation and in
competition a state policy.
As a result of course development the student has to know the main concepts and the
categories used in the theory of the branch markets; methods and approaches to the
analysis of strategic behavior of firms; the main models used for the analysis of the
competition of firms in the conditions of an oligopoly, the main indicators used for an
assessment of the competitive environment. To be able to solve problems of a course; to
apply theoretical knowledge to the analysis of the real competitive environment; to carry
out information search and this, necessary for the analysis purposes; to compare the
received results with the theoretical principles, to apply adequate theoretical models and
to interpret the received results.
3 course/5 semester
3.2 Basic professional modules
Module 2. Management and marketing
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : PE1401 Principles of
The purpose of the real course is studying of the basic principles of the
organization of material and information streams in logistic systems,
studying of the main characteristics of different types of logistic activity.
The main objectives of a course consist in that the student was able to
build logistic schemes of movement of material and information
streams, to carry out logistic calculations of the sizes of orders, stocks in
a warehouse.
As a result of course studying the student has to know: main concepts of a task and
function, levels of development and factors of development of logistics, mechanisms of
functioning of purchasing, marketing, production, warehouse logistics, logistics of stocks
and service. To be able to build logistic schemes of movement of material and
information streams, to classify intermediaries, control systems of stocks, channels of
distribution of goods, to give an assessment of competitiveness of the enterprises.
Module 5. Quantitative assessment of economy
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: PTMS1416 Probability
theory and mathematical statistics
The purpose of a course to give to students an idea of the maintenance
of econometrics as scientific discipline, to acquaint with her main
concepts, methodology and methods of creation of mathematical models
of economy.
As a result of studying the student has to seize methods of modeling and forecasting of
social and economic processes for detection of regularities of their perspective change.
The student has to be able to classify the tasks connected with achievement of this or that
Module 7. Enterprise economy
Enterprise economy
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: PE1401 Principles of
Economics, Mic1402 Microeconomics
Purpose of the module is formation at future experts of complete idea of
functioning of the enterprises in the conditions of the modern market,
acquaintance to structure of business assets of the enterprise and
acquisition of skills of definition of their effective use.
As a result of module studying students have to know the main characteristics of the
enterprise as main link of market economy; production and organizational structure of the
enterprise. To be able to open essence of the external and internal environment of the
enterprise; to open the economic mechanism of business management, an essence of basic
and functional strategy.
Module 9. Development of economic science
Modern political economy
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: HET1422 History of
economic thought
The purpose of the course - knowledge of the characteristics of modern
political economy, understanding the relationship between economic
and political processes.
The student should know the public choice theory and the possibility of applying
economic methods to the analysis of political processes. Able to understand the processes
of financing of election campaigns, to identify public preferences, provide economic
evaluation processes of public policy choices.
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