Summary Shayakhmetova D.B. – professor, University of foreign languages and professional career,
Conceptual bases of formation of multicultural language personality in the process of foreign language This article presents the importance of understanding the concept of "linguistic personality", which allows to deter-
mine the level from which actually begins the formation of the language personalitystudying of a foreign language. This
level is determined not by the degree of mastery of the linguistic system of the target language, but the degree of com-
prehension of the conceptual system of native speakers, studying culture, allowing to penetrate into the mental world of
its representatives, exploring their knowledge and understanding of the phenomena of the surrounding reality. Because
of the multicultural nature of demanded in the new conditions of linguistic personality, we turn to the consideration of
the concept of "multicultural linguistic personality", the formation of which is considered as a goal of foreign language
teaching at the present stage of development of society.
Keywords: concept, conceptualsystem, linguistic identity, multicultural linguistic personality, linguaculture, con-
ceptual sphere, linguistic picture of the world, paradigm, culture, cognitive linguistics, tolerance.
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №4(52), 2016 ж. 79