Академия социального управления

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In her search for the ideal man, Nicolette once put an advertisement in a 

magazine for single people and had 400 replies. But she says: ‘I only met one 

or two of them. Most of the others sounded very boring.’ 

Nicolette joined English Rose about 18 months ago and has met 5 men 

since then. She says: ‘I find American men are more romantic and considerate 

than British men. I rang one in the States, and afterwards he sent me 200 dollars 

to pay for the call. I’ve met five so far but I’m looking for something very spe-

cial. I’d like to find a caring, well-educated, non-smoking animal-lover with a 

professional job and a sense of adventure.’ 

Nicolette is going to stay with English Rose until she finds her man. ‘My 

friends have said some horrible things but I think it’s a great way to meet peo-


What do you think? 

1. Do you think John and Nicolette would get on if they met each other? 

Why/why not? 

2. In your country, where do teenagers go when they want to go out in the 

evening? What about young adults? 

3. In many countries, marriages are arranged by the parents. Do you think 

arranged marriages are a good idea? Would you like it if your parents arranged 

to find a partner for you? 

T e x t   2 0  

 1. Read the introduction to the article 

Over 70 years ago, on 6 February 1918, the British Parliament passed an 

important law. This law gave women in Britain the right to vote for the fist 

time. The right to vote is sometimes called suffrage. The women who fought 

for this right were called suffragettes. In many countries the women’s fight was 

long and hard. 

2.  Read the article quickly and find four words that you don’t know, and 

check them in your dictionary.Why is the title of the article ‘Dying for the 

vote’? What are the two meanings of ‘dying for’? 


The suffragette movement started in the middle of the 19


 century. Women 

demanded not only the right to vote, but also better education for girls. How-

ever, there was strong opposition. Many men argued that women were less in-

telligent and more emotional than men, and therefore could not make important 




The first suffragettes believed in being legal and peaceful. They used to 

write letters to Parliament and organize petitions. Nothing happened. Nobody 

noticed them. 

By 1903, a woman called Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughters Christabel 

and Sylvia decided they needed publicity for their cause. They encouraged 

women to break the law. Soon the newspapers were full of shocking stories 

about these new-style suffragettes. 

What did they do? 

They marched through the streets. They used to paint VOTES FOR 

WOMEN on walls, and break shop windows. Some women chained themselves 

to the railings outside Parliament and 10 Downing Street. They had to be very 

courageous, because angry crowds came and threw tomatoes, eggs, and flour at 

them. Many women went to prison. There they refused to eat, and so prison of-

ficers used rubber tubes to force food into them. 

The most shocking event was on Derby Day in June 1913. A suffragette 

called Emily Davidson ran in front of the King’s horse and was killed. She was 

the first martyr for the cause. 

Gradually, opinion changed. Many members of  Parliament now wanted 

votes for women, but still nothing happened. During the First World War, 

women had to do men’s jobs, and they did them well. It was only after this that 

women aged thirty and over got the vote. Ten more years passed before, in 

1928, women of twenty-one could vote. 

3. Now read the article more carefully. Choose the best answer, a, b, or c. 

1. The suffragettes demanded 

a. other things as well as the right to vote. 

b. only the right to vote. 

c. a better education than men. 

2. Emmeline Pankhurst encouraged women to break the law because 

a. she was tired of writing letters to Parliament. 

b. she wanted more publicity for the suffragettes. 

c. the first suffragettes did nothing. 

3. Many women went to prison because 

a. they told shocking stories to the newspapers. 

b. they threw tomatoes and eggs at the crowds. 

c. they used to do things that were against the law. 

4. Emily Davidson was a martyr because 

a. the King’s horse killed her. 

b. she refused to eat and died. 

c. she shocked all the people at the Derby. 

5. After the First World War 

a. Members of Parliament changed their opinions. 

b. women did men’s jobs. 

c. women finally got the vote. 



What do you think? 

1. What changes have there been in the roles of men and women in your 

country in the last 100 years? 

2. In your opinion, what do women do better than men? What do men do 

better than women? 

3. Are there any causes in your country or in the world that you feel 

strongly about? What are they? 










С o n t e n t s



Text 1. The Dog .............................................................................................. 


Text 2. Call me Mother ................................................................................... 


Text 3. The Best Driver  .................................................................................. 


Text 4. Would You Like to Be a Millionaire?  ................................................ 


Text 5. Whatever Happened to Uncle Oscar ................................................... 


Text 6. British Ways  ....................................................................................... 


Text 7.  A Dog and Three Dollars ................................................................... 


Text 8. An Unfinished Story ........................................................................... 


Text 9. To Kill a Man .....................................................................................   

Text 10. The Green Door ................................................................................ 


Text 11. No Story  ........................................................................................... 


Text 12. At the Doctor’s  ................................................................................. 


Text 13. Groucho Marx  .................................................................................. 


Text 14. The Reading Public  .......................................................................... 


Text 15. Sleep Survey Report ......................................................................... 


Text 16. Marks and Spencer ...........................................................................   

Text 17. The Man Who Could Turn back the Clock ....................................... 


Text 18. Time-Saving Tips: Lists  ................................................................... 


Text 19. Desperately Seeking Someone  ......................................................... 


Text 20. Dying for the Vote ............................................................................ 














































М.Д. Горбачева 





Пособие по английскому языку 

для студентов I и II курсов 





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Академия социального управления 

Москва, Енисейская ул., д. 3, корп. 5 


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