Английский язык. 11 класс (О. В. Афанасьева и др.)

A. 1. to roar; 2. to snigger; 3. to titter; 4. a fit of laughter; 5. a shriek  of laughter; B

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1. to roar; 2. to snigger; 3. to titter; 4. a fit of laughter; 5. a shriek 
of laughter; B. 1. хмыкнуть; 2. хихикать; 3. громко смеяться, гоготать; 
4. широко улыбаться; 5. самодовольно улыбаться, ухмыляться;
1. snigger; 2. roar, guffaw, shriek of laughter, fit of laughter; 
3. smirk, snigger; 4. fit of laughter, giggle, shriek of laughter; 5. gig-
gle, titter; 6. chuckle
Exercise 30.
1. bring; 2. fetch; 3. took; 4. take/bring; 5. fetch; 6. brought; 
7. take; 8. brought; 9. fetch; B. 1. crying; 2. wept; 3. crying; 4. sob-
bing/crying; 5. weep/cry; 6. sobbing/crying; 7. cry; 8. sobbed; 9. wept; 
1. yearned; 2. wish; 3. wish; 4. longed; 5. longed; 6. yearned; 7. wish; 
8. longed; 9. yearned

Exercise 31.
1. Он нанёс нам ответный удар. 2. Он яростно отбивался (раздавал 
удары направо и налево). 3. Мне пришёл в голову план. 4. Могу я 
попросить у вас сигарету? 5. Я в жизни никого не ударил, но ему я 
дал резкий отпор и поставил (ему) синяк под глазом. 6. Президент с 
резкой критикой набросился на тех, кто критиковал его экономические 
реформы. 7. Джеймсу вдруг пришло в голову, как можно разрешить 
эту проблему. 8. Знаешь, он попытается попросить у нас наличных 
денег. 9. Она боялась, что он случайно может обнаружить правду. 
10. Она подняла руку, стараясь нанести удар.
Exercise 32. 
1. out; 2. back; 3. on/upon; 4. out; 5. for; 6. on; 
7. on; 8. back; 9. for; 10. out
Exercise 33. 
declarative: a) positive: 7, 9; b) negative: 1, 5; interrogative: 2, 3, 8, 
12; imperative: 6, 11; exclamatory: 4, 10
Exercise 34. 
1 – ! 2 – ? 3 – ? 4 – ? 5 – . 6 – . 7 – . 8 – . 9 – ./! 10 – . 11 – ? 
12 – ? 13 – ./!
Exercise 35. 
1. subject – operas, expressed by a noun; predicate (verbal) – were 
written; 2. subject – Claude Debussy, expressed by a proper noun; 
predicate (nominal) – is the key figure; 3. subject – violins, expressed 
by a noun; predicate (verbal) – produce; 4. subject – music, expressed 
by a noun; predicate (verbal) – has developed; 5. subject – music, ex-
pressed by a noun; predicate (nominal) – is difficult; 6. subject – melody
expressed by a noun; predicate (verbal) – may have; 7. subject – dancing
expressed by gerund (-ing form); predicate (verbal) – plays; 8. subject – 
composers, expressed by a noun; predicate (verbal) – have developed
9. subject – to play, expressed by an infinitive; predicate (nominal) – 
is art; 10. subject – I, expressed by a pronoun; predicate (verbal) – love
Exercise 36.
1. adverbial modifier of time; 2. direct object; 3. adverbial modifier 
of place; 4. subject, attribute; 5. indirect object, prepositional object; 
6. nominal predicate; 7. adverbial modifier of place; 8. attribute; 
9. subject; 10. predicate, adverbial modifier of place

Exercise 37. 
1. ... always carries ...; 2. Jamie occasionally ...; 3. ... are gener-
ally ...; 4. ... never travels ...; 5. ... don’t usually ...; 6. ... is seldom ...; 
7. ... room yet? 8. ... is always ...; 9. ... is hardly ever ...; 10. ... always
welcomes ...; 11. ... often improve ...; 12. ... generally run ...; 
13. ... never eats ...; 14. ... already prepared ...; 15. ... is generally ... .
Exercise 38. 
1. conductor; 2. wealthy; 3. first; 4. composing; 5. largely; 
6. conducting; 7. disliked; 8. disastrous; 9. nervous; 10. confidence; 
11. compositions; 12. highly; 13. perfection; 14. legendary
Exercise 39. 
1. their; 2. first; 3. quietest; 4. have ever been; 
5. different; 6. went; 7. met; 8. was sitting; 9. his; 10. did; 11. knows; 
12. children
Exercise 40. 
1. b; 2. c; 3. a; 4. c; 5. d; 6. d; 7. b; 8. d; 9. b
Exercise 41. 
1. c; 2. b; 3. b; 4. a; 5. c; 6. c; 7. a; 8. b; 9. a; 10. b; 11. a
Exercise 42. 
1. had been sold; 2. was allowed; 3. found; 4. felt; 
5. had; 6. knew; 7. feeling; 8. had given; 9. staring; 10. carrying; 
11. was satisfied
Exercise 43.
– What are you reading, Alec?
Angels and Demons by Dan Brown.
– How long have you been reading it?
– About a fortnight.
– It is such an interesting novel. I have never read anything that (so) 
exciting (gripping).
2. It was midnight. Joanna’s brothers and sisters were sleeping peace-
fully in their beds. Joanna couldn’t sleep. She had been lying with her 
eyes closed since ten o’clock. She lay thinking about her tomorrow’s visit 
to the theatre. She could hardly believe she would see the famous per-
formers dancing.

3. I know the man (who is) standing near the window. We spent our 
holidays together at the Mediterranean last year. We swam a lot, sun-
bathed and had exciting boat trips to various islands.
4. On arrival you will be taken from the airport to the hotel by bus. 
Supper will be served at half past seven. If the flight is delayed, you 
will be informed in time.
5. – I would like you to go shopping and buy two loaves of white 
bread, a bag of flour, a tin of fruit and three kilos of new potatoes. 
They are so tasty.
– OK. I’ll do it. Where is the money?
– It is on the table.
6. Uncle Tom might phone tonight but it’s very unlikely. I think he 
will arrive in Rome late at night and won’t like to disturb us. But he is 
sure to call on us tomorrow morning.
7. I wonder what weather we are going to have tomorrow (what the 
weather will be like). I think it will be rather chilly, it may rain. Such 
weather is typical of Moscow in autumn. Don’t forget to take your um-
brella when you leave.
8. – If I were you, I should (would) start learning French: you are 
so good at languages.
– I’m afraid I can’t do it now because I have to spend a lot of time 
on Mathematics. You know I have problems there.
– Are you planning to learn foreign languages after you finish school?
– I’m thinking about it.
9. When I left home in the morning, there was no sign of rain. The 
sun was shining brightly and the sky was blue and clear. Several hours 
later a strong cold wind started blowing, the sky got overcast (covered 
with clouds) and it began raining heavily. I was so sorry I had left my 
umbrella at home. (I wish I had not left...).
10. From the moment the musician appeared on the stage we couldn’t 
take our eyes off him. We watched him come to the piano, sit on the 
bench and open the instrument. The music we heard then was the most 
impressive (music) I had ever heard.
Exercise 46. 
1. Lubov Kazarnovskaya is an opera singer. 2. Vladimir Spivakov 
is a conductor and a musician. 3. Maya Plisetskaya is a ballet dancer. 
4. Dmitry Hvorostovsky is an opera singer. 5. Alla Pugacheva is a pop 
singer. 6. Nikolai Tsiskaridze is a ballet dancer. 7. Pelageya is a pop 

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