Английский язык для экономистов

Соотнесите слова и их определения

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4. Соотнесите слова и их определения.

1. purchase

a. property or other goods that you promise to give someone if you cannot pay back the money they lend you

2. collateral

b. the things that a company owns

3. assets

c. something you buy, or the act of buying it

4. budget

d. the amount of money that you have to pay in order to buy, do, or produce something

5. costs

e. the money that is available to an organization or person, or a plan of how it will be spent

5. Переведите следующие слова и выражения на английский язык.

1. материальные активы

6. переменная

2. подотчетность

7. курс (цена) акции

3. механизм ценообразования

8. расходы

4. выручка

9. финансовый отдел

5. оборотный (рабочий) капитал

10. составление бюджета

6. Переведите следующие слова и выражения на русский язык.

1. to predict with reasonable accuracy

6. financial models

2. overhead expenses

7. human resources department

3. business budgeting

8. financial spreadsheet

4. mathematical models

9. inputs and outputs

5. profit

10. compile budget

7. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. The budget of a company is usually compiled ………..

a) every week b) every month c) annually

2. ……… is a fundamental tool to predict with reasonable accuracy whether the event will result in a profit, a loss or will break-even.

a) budget b) financial model c) overhead expense

3. Traditionally the ……….. compiles the company's budget.

a) manager b) accountant c) Finance department

4. When a company owns some material things they are called ………

a) liabilities b) tangible assets c) intangible assets

5. The managers involved in the budget process have …………….

a) responsibility b) duties c) accountability

8. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is a budget?

2. What should the budget contain?
3. Who compiles the budget?
4. What two basic approaches are used in budgeting?
5. How often is budget compiled?

Аудиторная работа
9. Назовите русские эквиваленты следующих интернациональных слов:

organization, elastic, lord, standard, person, personal, million, to circulate, to calculate, calculation, typically, equivalent, real, to cultivate, quota, syndicate, activity, migration
10. Определите, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова, и переведите их на русский язык, не пользуясь словарем:
1) to limit, limited, unlimited, limit, limitation
2) to change, changing, changed, unchanged, change
3) to affect, affected, unaffected, affecting
11. Назовите предложения, где пропущен эквивалент слова который. Переведите их на русский язык.
1. Supply is the amount of a good that will be offered in the market at a certain price and time.
2. Firms' decisions about how much to produce depend on the costs of production and on the revenues they receive from selling the output.
3. The amount of output firms want to offer depends on costs and revenues.
4. Inputs are the factors of production (land, labour and capital, including materials) that are put into a business for producing output as a commodity or a service.
5. The economist is interested in the role of costs and profits affecting the firm's supply decisions and the allocation of resources for producing particular goods.

12. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык. Обратите внимание на значения причастий и на интернациональные слова.
a business owned and run by one or more members of the same family; financial analysis using statistical information about the past and examining present market tendencies; limited resources; supplying farm commodities; commodities supplied by individual firms; men running their own businesses; commodities offered at the market; decisions following the economic analysis; goods consumed; choice restrictions imposed by prices
13. Замените русские слова в скобках их английскими эквивалентами.
1. For each output level (производственные издержки) depend on technology.
2. The concepts (понятия) of (предельных издержек) and (предельного дохода) are of great (польза) for economic analysis, supply analysis, (в особенности).
3. For each possible (объема производства) level, a firm will want to know how much it will cost to produce this(продукцию) and how much  (дохода) will be (заработано) by selling it.
4. Land is one of the factors of production called natural resources (включая) also minerals, water, weather, etc.
5. The concept of (альтернативных издержек) is of great importance in economics because it affects every decision in which limited resources and a choice between (альтернативными использованиями) play their role.
6. The financial capital may be used (где-нибудь еще) and bring in profit.

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