Английский язык для экономистов

Part 2 1. Прочитайте незнакомые слова перед прослушиванием текста

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Part 2

1. Прочитайте незнакомые слова перед прослушиванием текста.
May I take a message? – Могу я что-либо передать?
software products – программные изделия
after-sales service – гарантийное и постгарантийное обслуживание

2. Прослушайте текст «Business Communications» (для прослушивания кликните один раз на приведенную ниже ссылку, удерживая клавишу «Ctrl», после загрузки страницы нажмите на кнопку проигрывателя).
Ссылка для прослушивания: http://esl-lab.com/tc1/tc1.htm

3. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. Why can't Elaine Strong answer the phone?

A. She's in a meeting
B. She's out of the office
C. She's talking with another customer

2. What does caller want the secretary to send?

A. information on after-sales service
B. a picture of the newest computers
C. a list of software products

3. What time should the secretary send the material?

A. 2:30 PM
B. 3:30 PM
C. 5:00 PM

4. What is the caller's name?

A. Cordell
B. Kordel
C. Kordell

5. What is the caller's telephone number?

A. 560-1287
B. 560-1828
C. 560-2187

4. Выразите свою точку зрения.

1. An automobile company decides to open a new dealership in a foreign country. The manager is asked to choose all the possible positions and vacancies for a new dealership. What staff should be hired, what departments should be established?

2. You are an applicant at the interview applying for a position of human resources manager at a clothes shop. You are asked to enumerate the responsibilities of a distribution manager, production manager, sales manager and an accountant. What responsibilities can you mention?

3. Do you think working abroad is essential for a successful career? Why / Why not?

При ответе используйте фразы:

To my mind …

In my experience …

In my opinion …

As far as I understand …

On the one hand, …on the other hand

From my point of view …

If my memory serves me right …

If I am not mistaken …

It seems to me that …

Personally, I think …

My personal view is that …

I am sure/certain/convinced that …

The fact is that …

This proves that …

It is obvious that …

There is no doubt that …

Part 3

Ответьте на письмо, используя нижеприведенные задания. Используйте раздел «Перечень устойчивых фраз для написания письма», приведенный в конце пособия. При написании ответа используйте нижеприведенное письмо в качестве образца.

You are a Director of Sales department. One of your salesmen sent you a request for promotion to the position of a sales manager. Your task is:

a) thank Mr. Watkins for his letter;

b) express Mr. Watkins the idea that you agree with his request to promote him to the position of a sales manager and give reasons for that;
c) settle the time for meeting in order to discuss all the details.

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