CONTENTS PART I. CHAPTER 1. LAW AND LEGAL PROFESSION UNIT 1. Introduction to Law UNIT 2. Why do we need law? UNIT 3. Law and Society UNIT 4. Legal profession UNIT 5. Legal skills UNIT 6. Applying for a job GLOSSARY CHAPTER 2. LEGISLATION AND CONSTITUTION UNIT 1. Legislation in Russia UNIT 2. Law making procedure in the USA UNIT 3. Legislation of the United Kingdom UNIT 4. Constitution of the Russian Federation UNIT 5. Constitutions of the USA and the UK UNIT 6. Email in English GLOSSARY PART II. CHAPTER 3. STATE AND POLITICAL SYSTEMS UNIT 1. State and Political System of Russia UNIT 2. UK System of State and Government UNIT 3. US system of State and Government UNIT 4. Business letters GLOSSARY CHAPTER 4. MODERN LEGAL SYSTEMS UNIT 1. National Legal Systems UNIT 2. Legal System of the World: Civil Law and Common Law Systems UNIT 3. Legal Systems of the World: Religious and Customary Law Systems