Английский язык Пособие для поступающих в магистратуру, докторантуру, резидентуру и адъюнктуру

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angl mag shpor 2016 polny

Слушание 2011

Text 1
Bags will be provided by the council ....only for materials that can be recycled
Fields near the entrance to the beach can be used as.car parks
hey are preparing to celebrate the anniversary of the town. 250th
Large bags are given forcollecting recyclable materials
Picking up litter will be the duty of ....the Beach Team
Someone is needed.to be in charge of the first aid
The celebration will be held at the money of...the council
The celebration will be held on ... .Sunday
The left-over food will be taken away by.the organizers
The oldest of the mini-marathon applicants is.60
The profits from the marathon will be given to the Children’s Hospital to help.buy new specialist equipment
The second team will ...arrange the square.
The winner in each competition will.be awarded a cash prize
There are applicants for the mini-marathon. 265
There will be judges for various competitions.3
To close the beach we need permission from.the council
Wardens will be needed at the car park because ....the parking last year was disorganized
We need some volunteers for.cleaning -up
What does the speaker say about the judges in the competition?Most of them have had some experience in judging.
What two changes to the organization of the festival are mentioned?Free refreshments and free concert

Text 2

Everything turned out easier with.the right attitude
Giving up smoking was easy for Mr Gold because he.it was his private game, he was winning

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