Английский язык Пособие для поступающих в магистратуру, докторантуру, резидентуру и адъюнктуру

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Чтение тесты с ответами по темам

Text 3

In the epoch of quickly changing international and home situations it is quite necessary for every human being to get up-to-date information.
Choose a lexically similar word to "up-to-date" in line 2:modern
What information do the qualities print?They print serious information in tone
What information do the tabloids print? They print stories of celebrities
What is the BBC?the main television and radio broadcasting organization in Britain
What is the main topic of the text?Mass media in Britain
What kinds of newspapers are there in Britain?national and local newspapers
When and whom by was the first radio invented?The first radio was invented by Alexander Popov in 1895
When was the first public demonstration of television in Britain?in 1926
Who was the inventor of television?John Logie Baird
Why is radio said to be convenient to listen to?Because you can drive a car simultaneously


In many businesses, computers have largely replaced paperwork, becau they are fast, flexible, and do not make mistakes.
Choose the correct answer:Why have computers replaced paperwork?they are fast, flexible and do not make mistakes
How do some employees use the computer's power?to get revenge secret
How many days' notice was she given?thirty days'
How much money did the head teller steal?more than one and a half million
What are the advantages of computers for companies?they are honest and never have a bad day
Who used a computer to steal money from one account to another?the head teller
Who was fired in a large insurance company?a librarian
Who were in fact most computer criminals?minor employers
Why do banks want computers to handle their business?they don't steal money
Why do you think computer criminals are hard to find?a computer cannot remember the users

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