SCIENCE AND EDUCATION IN THE MODERN WORLD: CHALLENGES OF THE XXI CENTURY" ASTANA, KAZAKHSTAN, FEBRUARY 2023 18 developing educational functions (education throughout life, not in a certain part of life) without
denying the adaptive function, but through qualitative diversification. In this pedagogy, the study
of the environment leads to a change of aspect. In connection with this, the idea of creating an
educational environment capable of ensuring the formation of new cultural-educational and
socio-pedagogical thinking bases is promoted. We pay attention to the structural components of
the educational environment.
Further, it is necessary to revise the important pedagogical characteristics of the
educational environment so that the educational environment where high school students,
pedagogues, administration, parents, school staff are located, they themselves understand how to
organize a positive atmosphere. V.A.Yasvin means the system of influence and conditions of
formation of opportunities for development of a person in a social and spatial-subject
environment according to a given model. Here its following characteristics are affected: breadth,
intensity, recognition, understanding, generalization, emotionality, dominance, coherence,
activity, mobility and stability. Analyzing the topology of the educational environment,
V.A.Yasvin notes that the characteristic of education is modality. An indicator of modality is the
presence or absence of conditions and opportunities for the development of the child's personal
freedom (dependence), activity (or passivity) in this or that educational environment. Activity in
this case means the following: initiative, striving for something, persistence in this striving,
struggle for one's own interests, protection of these interests, etc.; accordingly, passivity is the
absence of these properties. Freedom is associated with independence of analysis and actions;
dependence means flexibility, submission to the will of another, personal irresponsibility. The
characteristic of the modality in our study is related to the community, because the development
of activity leads high school students to express themselves in ecological activities, ensures their
personal growth and the formation of their subjective position in solving environmental
problems. Scholars note the nature of relativity and mediocrity while reviewing the educational
environment. According to scientists, where creation and the meeting of creations, where design
and construction as the subject and resource of their collaborative activity, where certain
connections and relations are established between educational subjects, the environment begins
from this place. Its saturation (resource potential) and structuring (its organization method) are
proposed as the main characteristics of such an environment. The three principles of unit
organization in connection with the relations and relationships structuring this educational
environment are distinguished: homogeneity, diversity.
Thus, in the researches of scientists aimed at considering the concept of “educational
environment”, different positions are not mutually exclusive, but they propose mutually
correcting approaches in the organization of the pedagogical environment, that is, an educational
environment specially organized for the development of the personality of the higher education
student. I.D.Zverev understood environmental education as continuous, the process of personal
education, education and development consists of systematization of scientific-practical
knowledge and skills, value orientation, behavior and activity, responsible attitude to the
environment, social and natural environment, and health.
Stages of development of ecological culture and social culture in pedagogical activities. The personal essence of the educational environment consists in creating basic conditions
for the development of all life forces and the creative potential of the student, and at the same
time for the success of the process of ecological culture. The social meaning of such an
environment consists in the creation of a situation in which the ecologically thinking higher
education student has the positive dynamics of the level of formation of ecological culture. The
modern concept of education reflects the child's subjectivity, awareness, responsibility, activity
in the idea of pedagogical support (picture 1).