Список литературы: 1. Friederike Klippel “Keep talking”. Cambridge University Press 2002.
2. Adrienne Herrell, Michael Jordan “Fifty strategies for teaching English language” 2004.
В этой статье говорится об активизации коммуникативности студентов в процессе учеб-
ной деятельности, роли преподавателя в организации и проведения видов деятельности, на-
правленные на развитие коммуникативных навыков и умений.
This article deals with activation students communicative fl uency activities, teacher’s role in
organization activity to develop communicative skills.
ҚАЗАҚ ТІЛІН САПАЛЫ ОҚЫП-МЕҢГЕРУІ ҮДЕРІСІН ЖОБАЛАЙ ОҚЫТУ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯСЫ АРҚЫЛЫ ҰЙЫМДАСТЫРУ Сатбекова А.А. педагогика ғылымдарының докторы, профессор ҚазМемҚызПУ Джасталапова А., 2-курс магистранттары, ҚазМемҚызПУ Annotation Besides, modern educational paradigm defi nes teaching as a managing academic-cognitive activity that leads not only and not so much to increasing the baggage of knowledge, abilities and skills but to more important changes in the trainee’s personality: to increasing the intellect, to upbringing defi nite characteristics of the personality, psychological changes in the personality directed to more comprehensive self-realization. Especially it concerns teaching at higher educational institutions where the trainee gradually with his/her professional and social signifi cance self-consciousness develops from the object into the subject who can manage other people and himself. At higher professional school, the result of the process of teaching comes forth as one forming professionally relevant qualities of the student’s personality – the qualities which identify his professional competence and mastership. The qualifi cation of methodological and scientifi c-theoretical bases of the project teaching technology is a pledge for increasing the quality of education in the process of mastering the state language in an alien auditorium at higher educational institutions. For only under of reliance conditions on singular regularities and provisions, teaching technologies guarantee defi nite results.