Ключевые слова: субэтнос, субэтническая группа, Ходжи, баб, ишаны, распространители религии,
овляды и т.д.
Ibadullayeva Zylikha
Ethnic History of Khoja among the peoples of Central Asia
The article describes the appearance of Khoja in the territory of Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Khoja is a sub
ethnic group, which does not related to the people of Central Asia and Kazakhstan genealogically. Khoja were an
honorary religious priest in Muslim culture. Also, the article distinguishes, that Khoja were the propagator of Islam
as well as direct descendants of Prophet Muhammad.
Key words: subethnic group, subethnos, Khoja, Bab, Ishan, propagators of religion, Ovlyad and so on.
Редакцияға 03.12.2014 қабылданды.