Түйін сөздер: түрлендіру, кеңейту, Қытай, Ресей Федерациясы, интеграция, Орталық Азия өңірі,
аймақ, Үндістан, Пәкістан.
J.O. Omyrova
Problems of transformation and expansion of the SCO at the present moment stage
This article considers the possible options of transformation and expansion of the SCO , as well as the ob-
stacles and contradictions in the way of full membership in the SCO new states. Reveals the actual problems of
economic integration, political solutions to the major participants of the SCO and international confidence in this
organization. With the expansion of the boundaries of the SCO highlights its new features.
Given the
aggravation of
international situation and Islamic extremism at present considered counter-terrorism capacity of the SCO and the
strategic balance of power in this region of Asia.
Key words: SCO, transformation, China, Russian Federation, integration, CAR, India, Pakistan.
Поступила в редакцию 10.03.2015.
УДК [327:620.9](4)
докторант PhD ЕНУ имени Л.Н. Гумилева
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