The purpose of the study: The purpose of discipline is to form a future expert knowledge in
the design of diagnostic instruments, their purpose and operating principles, as well as special
training technical personnel, holding scientific and practical knowledge in the field of
operation, as she decides to current engineering and scientific tasks in the field of quality,
performance characteristics and rational use of these devices.
Summary: In the discipline of study methods and tools used in the diagnosis of technical
condition of machinery and equipment, incl vibration diagnostics, leak detection, magnetic,
eddy current, ultrasonic,.. types of non-destructive testing. The problems of the use of
instrumental methods and control of diagnostic parameters, embedded control and diagnostic
systems for the diagnosis of drilling equipment, vessels and equipment for oil storage,
facilities for repair of wells and pump equipment. The basis for the practical skills of the
structural analysis and selection of diagnostic informative signals, selection of technical means
for their registration and diagnosis methodology.
Expected results:
- Design and operation of diagnostic devices;
- Methods and means of measurement;
- The scope of the relevant diagnostic devices.
To be able to:
- Choose the diagnostic tools depending on the task;
- Free to use the standards.
Have an idea:
- The basics of scientific research in the field of application of diagnostic instruments of
- The methods of evaluation experiments using the diagnostic tools.
Postrekvizity: technology repairs fishing equipment, technology, repair of drilling equipment.
KIP 4311 Instrumentation in Oil and Gas Industry - 3 credits
Prerequisites: standardization, certification and technical measurements, basics of the oil and
gas business (based on special), the basis of the design and machine parts, oilfield (drilling)
The purpose of the study: The main goal of discipline is formation of the future expert
knowledge in the design of instrumentation, their purpose and operating principles. As well as
special training technical personnel, holding scientific and practical knowledge in the field of
operation, as she decides to current engineering and scientific tasks in the field of quality,
performance characteristics and the rational use of fuels, oils, lubricants and industrial fluids.
Summary: In the discipline studied the basics theory of measuring and control: the device and
the principle of the tools used in oil and gas production for the measurement of geometrical,
physical, mechanical, electrical, magnetic, acoustic and thermodynamic quantities, as well as
signaling means, analyzers of gases and liquids, including mineral oil. Issues of choice of
means of measurement and control parameters of technological machines and processes,
features and rules of installation of measuring devices, operating rules and control accuracy.
The basis for the practical skills in the use and maintenance of the technical means of
measurement and control.
Expected results:
- Design and operation of instrumentation;
- Methods and means of measurement;
- The scope of the corresponding instrumentation.
be able to:
- Choose the instrumentation according to the tasks;
- Free to use the standards.
Postrekvizity: Technology repair fishing equipment, technology, repair of drilling equipment.
TDNGMO 4311.1 Technical diagnostics of machines and equipment - 3 credits
Prerequisites: standardization, certification and technical measurements, basics of the oil and
gas business (based on special), design principles and machine parts, Oil (drilling) equipment.
The purpose of the study: The purpose of discipline is to form a future expert knowledge in the
design of diagnostic instruments, their purpose and operating principles, as well as special
training technical personnel, holding scientific and practical knowledge in the field of operation,
as she decides to current engineering and scientific tasks in the field of quality, performance
Summary: In the discipline of study methods and tools used in the diagnosis of technical
condition of machinery and equipment, incl vibration diagnostics, leak detection, magnetic,
eddy current, ultrasonic,.. types of non-destructive testing. The problems of the use of
instrumental methods and control of diagnostic parameters, embedded control and diagnostic
systems for the diagnosis of drilling equipment, vessels and equipment for oil storage, facilities
for repair of wells and pump equipment. The basis for the practical skills of the structural
analysis and selection of diagnostic informative signals, selection of technical means for their
registration and diagnosis methodology.
Expected results:
- Design and operation of diagnostic devices;
- Methods and means of measurement;
- The scope of the relevant diagnostic devices.
To be able to:
- Choose the diagnostic tools depending on the task;
- Free to use the standards.
Have an idea:
- The basics of scientific research in the field of application of diagnostic instruments of
- The methods of evaluation experiments using the diagnostic tools.
Postrekvizity: technology repairs fishing equipment, technology, repair of drilling equipment.
TIiKMS 4311.2 Technical measuring and control engineering - 3 credits
Prerequisites: standardization, certification and technical measurements, basics of the oil and
gas business (based on special), the basis of the design and machine parts, oilfield (drilling)
The purpose of the study: The main goal of discipline is formation of the future expert
knowledge in the design of instrumentation, their purpose and operating principles. As well as
special training technical personnel, holding scientific and practical knowledge in the field of
operation, as she decides to current engineering and scientific tasks in the field of quality,
performance characteristics and the rational use of fuels, oils, lubricants and industrial fluids.
Summary: In the discipline studied the basics theory of measuring and control: the device and
the principle of the tools used in oil and gas production for the measurement of geometrical,
physical, mechanical, electrical, magnetic, acoustic and thermodynamic quantities, as well as
signaling means, analyzers of gases and liquids, including mineral oil. Issues of choice of
means of measurement and control parameters of technological machines and processes,
features and rules of installation of measuring devices, operating rules and control accuracy.
The basis for the practical skills in the use and maintenance of the technical means of
measurement and control.
Expected results:
- Design and operation of instrumentation;
- Methods and means of measurement;
- The scope of the corresponding instrumentation.
be able to:
- Choose the instrumentation according to the tasks;
- Free to use the standards.
Postrekvizity: Technology repair fishing equipment, repair of drilling technology equipped.
Prerequisites: Drilling machines and systems, Drilling technology wells, and production of oil
and gas.
The purpose of the study: The aim and purpose of the discipline is the study of drilling
machines and systems that ensure the drilling of deep wells for oil and gas from the earth's
Summary: The study in the discipline of reliability of the equipment; equipment failures and
their characteristics. Calculation and design of pumps. Calculation pnevmokompensatorov;
calculation of effort; definition of efficiency. Chart loading, odds inventory, the program for
calculating the shafts and axles drilling equipment; methods of selecting and calculating rolling
bearings for drilling equipment. Kinematic and power analysis of mechanical transmissions.
Calculation of drilling facilities on sustainability. Calculation of the strength of casing.
Calculation and design elements of the rig. Calculation and design of the rotary table.
Calculation and design of drilling swivel. Calculation and design of tackle system. Calculation
and design of drawworks.
Expected results:
-theory, the device and the main directions of further development of drilling machines and
-technological and regulatory and technical requirements for drilling machines and systems;
-psihologiyu high school.
be able to:
-umet calculate the technical parameters of drilling machines and plants for given technological
-vypolnyat, at the present technical level, power, strength, kinematic and other engineering
-analizirovat design and technical and economic indicators of known and projected drilling
-konstruirovat and improve drilling machine, using the latest achievements of science and
Effectively operate drilling machinery and systems in different climatic and geological
-reshat modern scientific and practical problems in their chosen field of work;
Postrekvizity: drives technological machines, oil field equipment.
RKPO 438. 1 Calculation and design of oilfield equipment - 3 credits
Prerequisites: mathematics, physics, electrical engineering, basics of heat, thermodynamics
and heat transfer, theory of machines and mechanisms, strength of materials, descriptive
geometry and engineering graphics, computer technology and programming, calculation and
The purpose of teaching the subject. The purpose of teaching is to study issues related to the
general issues of the theory and practice of construction machines and mechanisms and their
elements, especially the construction of the typical types of oilfield equipment; equipment
Discipline is one of the main professional training 050724 Technological machines and
Summary: The construction of new, advanced machinery for the oil and gas industry is the
basis for the development of this industry, and discipline "Calculation and design of fishing
gear" being one of the principal for the preparation of bachelors on a specialty "Technological
machines and equipment" promotes the development of skills to the design.
Expected results:
-Main baseline data for the development of structures;
-reliability equipment;
-metalloemkost and stiffness of structures;
-etapy creation or modernization of equipment;
-type products and stages of development of products of primary production;
-Select material components and limiting stresses;
-economic design principles;
be able to:
-primenyat basic design techniques for the development of parametric rows of equipment for oil
and gas.
- Possess the calculated ratios of the basic parameters and the skills of rational use of
- To carry out the kinematic calculation of the equipment;
- Be able to use diagrams and characteristics of the equipment;
- Perform basic design;
- In the field of technological processes related industries;
- In the choice of rational modes of operation of fishing gear;
- In the field of labor law and industrial safety in the operation of fishing equipment.
Postrekvizity: technology and equipment of oil and gas production; collection and preparation
of well production; calculation and design and CAD field equipment.
PNGMO 438.2 Design of oil and gas machinery and equipment - 3 credits
Prerequisites: mathematics, physics, electrical engineering, basics of heat, thermodynamics
and heat transfer, theory of machines and mechanisms, strength of materials, descriptive
The purpose of teaching: teaching purpose of discipline is to study issues related to the
general issues of the theory and practice of designing machines and mechanisms and their
elements, especially the design of typical kinds of oilfield equipment; optimize equipment
Summary: design of machinery and their elements, the design of typical species of oil and gas
machinery and equipment. Features drilling machine design and equipment elements of the rig;
rotary table; drilling swivel; tackle system; drawworks; mud pump; pnevmokompensatorov.
Design features fishing equipment: wellhead equipment; tubing; aggregates overhaul and repair
of wells. Design of Gas Pipelines equipment, pump and compressor stations. As a result of the
discipline acquired practical skills of designing the main components of oil and gas machinery
and equipment.
-Main baseline data for the development of structures;
-reliability equipment;
-metalloemkost and stiffness of structures;
-etapy creation or modernization of equipment;
-type products and stages of development of products of primary production;
-Select material components and limiting stresses;
-economic fundamentals of design;
be able to:
-primenyat basic design techniques for the development of parametric rows of equipment for oil
and gas.
- Possess the calculated ratios of the basic parameters and the skills of rational use of
- To carry out the kinematic calculation of the equipment;
- Be able to use diagrams and characteristics of the equipment;
- Perform basic design;
Postrekvizity: technology and equipment of oil and gas production; collection and preparation
of well production; calculation and design and CAD field equipment.
OUKRS 439 The equipment and the installation of cattle - 3 credits
Prerequisites: mathematics, physics, electrical engineering, basics of heat, thermodynamics
and heat transfer, theory of machines and mechanisms, strength of materials, descriptive
geometry and engineering graphics, computer technology and programming, electrical
The purpose of teaching is to study issues related to the appointment of machines and overhaul
of equipment, conditions of use and maintenance; the basic requirements to them; their
operating principles and devices; foundations of the theory of calculation, construction and
The objective of the discipline is to develop students' skills to perform the calculation and basic
design and selection of equipment to produce and have the skills manual.
Expected results:
- Principles of economic operation of modern equipment workover;
- Modern methods of environmental protection environment while workover;
- Equipment used in the workover;
- Equipment for the implementation of the processes stimulation and fillers;
- Equipment for the repair of the well;
- Equipment for the collection and preparation of oil and gas for transportation.
be able to:
- Possess the calculated ratios of the basic parameters and the skills of rational use of
- To carry out the kinematic calculation of the equipment;
- Be able to use diagrams and characteristics of the equipment;
- Perform basic design;
- To make the choice of equipment.
Postrekvizity: technology and equipment of oil and gas production; collection and preparation
of well production.
TiTKRSS 439. 1 Engineering and Technology workover on sushe- 3 credits
Prerequisites: mathematics, physics, electrical engineering, basics of heat, thermodynamics
and heat transfer, theory of machines and mechanisms, strength of materials, descriptive
geometry and engineering graphics, computer technology and programming. The discipline
"Engineering and technology workover on land" to be read by students after studying the
individual sections (in order): higher mathematics (the derivative, differential, integral, variable,
differential equations); Physics (work, energy, thermal phenomena, molecular physics, a change
in state of matter, the laws of thermodynamics, mechanics, the study of gases); chemistry
(chemical thermodynamics elements - thermodynamic equilibrium, the balance in the system,
chemical reactions, thermal effects); electrical (motors and their characteristics); etc.
The purpose of the study: The aim of the discipline is to study issues related to the appointment
of machines and overhaul of equipment, conditions of use and maintenance; the basic
requirements to them; their operating principles and devices; foundations of the theory of
calculation, construction and operation on land. Discipline is one of the main professional
Summary: in the discipline studied issues related to the assignment of units, equipment and
tools workover on land; technology workover operation and maintenance conditions; the basic
requirements to them; their operating principles and devices; foundations of the theory of
calculation, construction and operation. New processing methods and hardware repair. The
principles of economic operation of modern equipment workover; modern methods of
environmental protection environment while workover; equipment used in a variety of ways oil
and gas production; Equipment for carrying out the processes stimulation and aggregates.
Expected results:
- Principles of economic operation of modern equipment workover;
- Modern methods of environmental protection environment while workover;
- Equipment used in the workover on land;
- Equipment for the implementation of the processes stimulation and fillers;
- Equipment for the repair of the well;
- Equipment for the collection and preparation of oil and gas for transportation.
be able to:
- Possess the calculated ratios of the basic parameters and the skills of rational use of
- To carry out the kinematic calculation of the equipment;
- Be able to use diagrams and characteristics of the equipment;
- Perform basic design;
- To make the choice of equipment.
Postrekvizity: technology and equipment of oil and gas production; collection and preparation
of well production.
TiTKRSH 439.2 Engineering and technology workover on shelfe- 3 credits
Prerequisites: mathematics, physics, electrical engineering, basics of heat, thermodynamics
and heat transfer, theory of machines and mechanisms, strength of materials, descriptive
geometry and engineering graphics, computer technology and programming. The discipline
"Engineering and technology workover on land" to be read by students after studying the
individual sections (in order): higher mathematics (the derivative, differential, integral, variable,
differential equations); Physics (work, energy, thermal phenomena, molecular physics, a change
in state of matter, the laws of thermodynamics, mechanics, the study of gases); chemistry
(chemical thermodynamics elements - thermodynamic equilibrium, the balance in the system,
chemical reactions, thermal effects); electrical (motors and their characteristics); etc.
The purpose of the study: The aim of the discipline is to study issues related to the
appointment of machines and overhaul of equipment, conditions of use and maintenance; the
basic requirements to them; their operating principles and devices; foundations of the theory of
calculation, construction and operation of offshore. Discipline is one of the main professional
Summary: in the discipline studied issues related to the assignment of units, equipment and
tools workover of the sea; technology workover operation and maintenance conditions; the
basic requirements to them; their operating principles and devices; foundations of the theory of
calculation, construction and operation. New processing methods and hardware repair. The
principles of economic operation of modern equipment workover; modern methods of
environmental protection environment while workover; equipment used in a variety of ways oil
and gas production; Equipment for carrying out the processes stimulation and aggregates.
Expected results:
- Principles of economic operation of modern equipment workover;
- Modern methods of environmental protection environment while workover;
- Equipment used in the workover of the sea;
- Equipment for the implementation of the processes stimulation and fillers;
- Equipment for the repair of the well;
- Equipment for the collection and preparation of oil and gas for transportation.
be able to:
- Possess the calculated ratios of the basic parameters and the skills of rational use of
- To carry out the kinematic calculation of the equipment;
- Be able to use diagrams and characteristics of the equipment;
- Perform basic design;
- To make the choice of equipment.
Postrekvizity: technology and equipment of oil and gas production; collection and preparation
of well production.
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