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Nowadays, the ability to speak English fluently is developing rapidly, as international relations are growing and expanding day by day. Fluency in English is the most essential and valuable skill. Much progress can be made by speaking English in public. In particular, English is crucial for protecting a project in business, convincing investors, attracting political supporters in the field of education when new ideas arise and keeping up with the times. Therefore, teaching and learning English requires a high responsibility to meet modern requirements. In addition, several teaching methods have been developed and are in use. However, most of these techniques are geared more toward writing and reading than speaking skills—a communicative approach to language teaching devoted to developing the learners' speaking performance. Therefore, schoolchildren's formation and development of these skills create a high need. 70 students took part in the study, conducted for 2 months. Of these, 35 students were taken as an experimental group and 35 as a control group. As a result of the conducted research, students of the experimental group developed public speaking skills.
In the research work, a planned lesson was conducted 2 times a week in addition to the main lesson for Group A. A specially designed training manual was used during the lesson for research work. In addition, critical thinking techniques were used in training to complete tasks in the manual. The methods used allowed students to think critically about any problem and give several options for solving it. The manual helped to improve students’ knowledge of English in various fields. The development of students’ public speaking skills was carried out through 4 skills. Students’ vocabulary in English has expanded in multiple areas, and they have mastered the most frequently used phrases of specialists. In public speaking in English, students had the opportunity to talk on topics in any field.
The primary and proper methods were critical thinking techniques and activities for developing the creative abilities of students to form and improve students' public speaking skills. The advantages of critical thinking techniques in teaching students:

  • Develop students’ necessary thinking skills; they can freely express their point of view in any situation.

  • Find a solution to any situation.

  • Think comprehensively about the problem that has arisen.

  • Confidently answer questions asked by the audience during a public speech.

  • Analyze the necessary information in preparation for a public speech.

  • Convey the idea to the audience.

  • Analyze the essential knowledge and correctly organize the concept for the audience.

The textbook, developed specifically to study the development of students' public speaking skills in the 11th grade, contributed to the improvement of students ' knowledge. It should be noted that:

  • The vocabulary of the English language has expanded.

  • Students tend to remember new words.

  • Quickly has acquired information on the field of use of the English language.

  • Students learned phrases and phrases from the most commonly used English language.

  • They adapted to express proposals on a particular topic in English.

  • Students can create a story from their thoughts in any field.

  • Act as an expert owner and use English.

  • Speak on any topic in public.

The tasks assigned to develop students 'creative abilities had a positive impact on the development of student's creative thinking. That is:

  • Correctly organize planning in preparing for a public speech.

  • Make creative suggestions.

  • Students have a different view of the situation and think comprehensively.

The methods and techniques used in the research work have had a positive impact on the development of students’ public speaking skills and have shown high results. The experiment results showed that teaching using critical thinking techniques and activities for creative abilities become an essential factor in developing students’ public speaking skills.

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