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    Бұл бет үшін навигация:
  • UNIT V


1. Find the right equivalent: Year 1950.

  1. Nineteen hundred

  2. Ninety fifty

  3. The fiftieth

2. Find the right equivalent:

  1. Ninety fifteen

  2. Nineteen fifty

  1. The twentieth and fifth of November.

  2. The twenty-fifth of November.

  1. The twentieth fifth of November.

  2. The thirty and fifth of November.

c) The twenty-fifth of November.
3. Find the right answer:
One hundred and one minus forty-six is… .

  1. sixty d) fifty-five

  2. fifty-four e) seventy

  3. forty-four 4. Read the number:


  1. Two hundred fifty thousand four hundred fifty.

  2. Two hundred and fifty thousand and four hundreds and fifty.

  3. Tow hundreds and fifty thousands four hundred and fifty.

  4. Two hundred and fifty thousand four hundred and five.

  5. Two hundred and fifty thousand four hundred and fifty.

5. Read the number:
$ 83.20

  1. Eighty three dollar and twenty cents.

  2. Eighty three dollars twenty cents.

  3. Eighty three dollars and twenty cents.

e) Eighty three dollars and twenty cent.
6. Choose the right variant.
The year 1917.

  1. One thousand nine hundred and seventeen.

  2. One thousand nine hundred seventeen.

  3. One thousand nine hundreds and seventeen.

  4. One thousand and seventeen.

  5. Nineteen seventeen

7. Choose the right variant. From the years 1941 to 1945.

  1. Nineteen four one to nineteen forty five.

  2. Nineteen forty one to nineteen forty fives.

  3. Nineteen forty one to ninety forty five.

  4. Ninety forty one to nineteen forty five.

  5. Nineteen forty one to nineteen forty five.

8. Choose the right variant.
Say what century it is: 2005.

  1. The twenty-one century. d) The nineteenth

  2. Ninety century century

  3. The twenty-first century. e) Nineteen century

9. Find the right variant of the ordinal number:

  1. twelfth d) twelveth

  2. twenty-one e) two

  3. eleven

10. Find the right variant of the cardinal number:

  1. two hundred sixty-five.

  2. two hundred sixty-fifth.

  3. two hundreds and sixty-five.

  4. two hundreds sixty-five. 11. 8. Choose the right variant.


e) two hundred and sixty-five.

  1. The ninth of March.

  2. March and the nine.

  3. Nine and March.

12. Choose the right variant.
Fifty-three plus sixty-eight is … .

  1. The ninth and March.

  2. The nine and March.

  1. one hundred

  2. a hundred and twenty

  3. hundred and forty-six 13. Choose the right variant. Date: September 30?

  1. two hundred

  2. one hundred and twenty-one

  1. Thirty of September

  2. September thirteen

  3. The thirtieth of September.

  1. The thirteenth of


  1. Thirty September.

14. Choose the right variant.

  1. Eight thousand five hundred and seventy nine.

  2. Eight thousand five hundred seventy nines.

  3. Eighteen thousand five hundreds seventy nine.

  4. Eighteen thousand five hundred seventy nine.

  5. Eight thousands five hundred seventy nine.

15. Choose the right variant.
How do you say the sum “$ 63 million”?

  1. Dollars sixty-three million. d) Dollars sixties-three

  2. Sixty-three million dollars. millions.

  3. Sixty and three millions e) Sixty-tree millions dollars. dollars.

16. Choose the right variant.
How do you say the following big number “ 624,112” ? a) Six-two-four and eleven-two

  1. Six hundreds, twenty-four, one hundred and twelve thousand.

  2. Six hundred and twenty-four thousand., one hundred and twelve

  3. Six hundreds and twenty-four thousands., eleven hundreds and two

  4. Six hundreds and twenty-four thousands., one hundreds and twelve

17. Find the right variant of the year.

  1. One thousand and nine hundred and ninety six.

  2. One double nine six.

  3. One thousand nine hundred ninety-six.

  4. One ninety-nine and six.

  5. Nineteen ninety-six.

18. Find the right variant of the ordinal number:

  1. Eight thousand and hundred. d) Eight thousands and

  2. Eight millions. hundreds.

  3. Eight million. e) Eight thousands and a

19. Find the right variant:
Yesterday I phoned you for a …. times, but you didn‟t pick up the receiver.

  1. Hundredth. d) The hundreds.

  2. Hundreds. e) The hundred.

  3. Hundred.

20.Find the right variant:
Our lessons begin on … of January.

  1. two d) twelve

  2. twelve e) eleven

  3. the twelfth 21. My watch is … minutes slow.

  1. tenth d) the two

  2. a second e) twelfth

  3. twenty

22. Read the telephone number:
235 677 105

  1. two five three six double seven one

  2. two three five six double seven oh five

  3. two three five six double five oh seven

  4. two three five six double seven one oh five

  5. two three five double six seven one oh five

23. Choose the right variant.
_____ are starving in the world today.

  1. Thousands people d) Thousands peoples

  2. Thousands of people e) Thousand of peoples

  3. Thousands of peoples

24.. Choose the right variant.
How do you say the number “101”?

  1. Ones hundreds one d) One and one hundred

  2. One hundreds one e) One thousand ones

  3. One hundred and one

25. Choose the right variant of the year.

  1. twenty oh oh d) twenty double oh

  2. two thousand e) twenty hundred

  3. twenty thousand


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