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Авторлық бағдарлама Ағылшын тілі грамматикасы


1. Choose the right variant of the main verb.
The Remembrance Day and the Veteran‟s Day ____ on the 11th of November every year.

  1. celebrated d) was celebrated

  2. are celebrated e) is celebrated

  3. will be celebrated

2. Choose the right variant of the main verb.
I hope that the truth ________ very soon. a) will find out

  1. will be finding out

  2. is found out

  3. will be found out

  4. shall find out

3. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Everything ________ before you came.

  1. is done d) had been done

  2. was done e) has been done

  3. has done

4. Choose the right variant of the main verb.
People go to the tomb of the Unknown Soldier to stand in silence for a minute to honor the memory of those who _______ is wars.

  1. is killed d) are killed

  2. will be killed e) were killed

  3. was killed

5. Choose the right variant of the main verb.
The sports competitions which ___on Sunday ___by a lot of people.

  1. are held / will be held

  2. was held / will visit

  3. will held / will visit

  4. have been held / have visited

  5. will be held / will be visited

6. Choose the right variant of the main verb.
The inspector is not in the town. He ______ to another place some days ago.

  1. was sent d) will send

  2. sent c) will be sent e) sends

7. Choose the right variant of the main verb.
Business letters ______usually on special forms.

  1. will be written d) is written

  2. are written e) write

  3. are being written

8. Choose the right variant of the main verb.
Sometimes a lot of guests _______ to his birthday party.

  1. had invited d) are invited

  2. was invited e) is inviting

  3. were inviting

9. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Houses ________ very quickly now.

  1. builds d) are built

  2. are building e) were built

  3. built

10. Choose the right variant of the main verb.
Many modern apartments ________ in Berlin since 1980.

  1. are built d) have been built

  2. are building e) has been built

  3. were built

11. Choose the right variant of the main verb.
Present Simple Passive or Past Simple Passive? The room (clean) every day.

  1. Was cleaned d) Were cleaned

  2. Is cleaned e) Cleaned

  3. Was clean

12. Choose the right variant of the main verb.
Present Simple Passive or Past Simple Passive?
... my suit (clean) yesterday?

  1. Is ... clean d) Was ... cleaned

  2. Are ... cleaned e) Were ... cleaning

  3. Is ... cleaned

13. Choose the right variant of the main verb.
Present Simple Passive or Past Simple Passive?
This house (build) in the XVII th century.

  1. Were built d) Is built

  2. Is build e) Is building

  3. Was built

14. Choose the right variant of the main verb.
Present Simple Passive or Past Simple Passive? Every year the seas (poison) on our planet.

  1. Was poisoned d) Were poisoning

  2. Is poison e) Were poisoned

  3. Are poisoned.

15. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Present Simple Passive or Past Simple Passive?
The road (not/use) by the company last year.

  1. Isn't used d) Not used

  2. Aren't used e) Shan't used

  3. Wasn't used

16. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Active or Passive? Somebody (ask) me on the phone every evening.

  1. Is asked d) Will asked

  2. Asked e) Is asking

  3. Asks

17. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Active or Passive? Who (use) my new car at the moment?

  1. Is being use d) Is being used

  2. Are being used e) Being used

  3. Is using

18. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Active or Passive? I (ask) many questions by my friends after the lesson.

  1. Will asked d) Will asking

  2. Will ask e) Will be asked

  3. Ask

19. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Active or Passive? The children (take) to the museums next week.

  1. Will taken d) Will taking

  2. Will take e) Will be taken

  3. Take

20. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Active or Passive? The man (ask) what language I was speaking.

  1. Was asked d) Was ask

  2. Asked e) Was asking

  3. Were asked

21. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Active or Passive? I think he (find) the address already.

  1. Has found D) Has been find

  2. Has been found E) Being found

  3. Has being found

22. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Nobody likes _______ for at night.

  1. be sent d) to be sent

  2. is sent e) sent

  3. was sent

23. Choose the right variant of the main verb.
The new film _____ in all the big theaters of the city.

  1. is demonstrated e) had been

  2. was being demonstrated demonstrated

  3. is being demonstrated

  4. would be demonstrated

24. Choose the right variant of the main verb.
You can‟t use this textbook now. It _______ by your friend.

  1. takes d) were taken

  2. has been taken e) had taken

  3. took

25. Choose the right variant of the main verb.
– Did the company test the equipment yesterday?
- Yes it _______ .

  1. has tested e) tested

  2. had been tested

  3. had tested

  4. was tested

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