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Wish, if only + Past Perfect

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Wish, if only + Past Perfect
Wish, if only + Past Perfect ӛткен шаққа қатысты ӛкінішті білдіру ҥшін қолданылады.

  • I wish I had saved some money . = I didn‟t save any money.

  • I wish I had studied for the test. = I didn‟t study for the test.

Unless = if … not

  • I can‟t see if I don‟t wear glasses. = I can‟t see unless I wear glasses. • Unless you work much harder, you won‟t pass the exam.

  • He will go there if he isn‟t too busy. = He will go there unless he is too busy.

Салыстыр if / in case

  • I‟ll bring in the washing if it rains. (I‟ll bring it in at the time it starts raining).

  • I‟ll bring in the washing in case it rains. (I‟ll bring it now because it might rain later).


1. Underline the necessary word.

  1. This time in six months. I‟ll be at university unless / if I decide to take a year off first.

  1. We‟d better leave early tomorrow unless / in case there‟s a lot of traffic when we get to Doncaster.

  1. You can watch the film as long as / in case you promise to go straight to bed when it finishes.

  2. Let‟s go to Mirabella‟s tonight unless / if you haven‟t been there before.

  3. Unless / so long as I‟ve still got my health, I don‟t mind how poor I am.

  4. You‟d better take a sweater with you know if / in case it gets cold tonight.

  5. Do what you like provided / unless you don‟t make any noise.

  6. I‟m not going to worry unless / as long as she hasn‟t called by midnight.

2. Use the verbs in right forms.
Mr.Day: Can‟t you stop playing that computer? You‟re making an awful noise.
Adam: Well, if … I don‟t practice … (I/not practice), I won‟t pass my exam.
Mr.Day: But why at night? It‟s half past twelve. If (1) …… (you/play) it in the daytime, (2) … … (I / not / hear) you because I‟d be at work. If (3) … … (you / tell) me about this trumpet when you first came here, (4) … … (I / not / let) you have the room. I‟m afraid it‟s becoming a nuisance. If (5) … …. (you / not / play) so loud, (6) … …. (it / not / be) so bad.
Adam: I‟m sorry, but you can‟t play a trumpet quietly.
Mr.Day: if (7) … … (I / realize) a year ago what you were going to do, then (8) … … (I / throw) you out long ago. If (9) … … (you / go) on making this noise at night, (9) … …. (you / go) on making this noise at night, (10) … … (I / have) to complain to your college.
3 Underline the right verb in each sentence.
If the machine stops / will stop, you press / will press this button.

  1. If you help / helped me with this exercise, I will / would do the same for you one day.

  1. According to the timetable, if the train leaves / left on time, we will / would arrive on time.

  1. If it is / will be fine tomorrow, we go / will go to the coast.

  2. If we find / found taxi, we will get / would get there before the play starts.

  3. It‟s quite simple really. If you take / will take / took these tablets every day, then you lose / will lose / lost / would lose weight.

  4. I don‟t like this flat. I think I am / I will be / I‟d be happier if I live / will live / would live / lived in a house in the country.

  5. I don‟t know how to play baseball, but I‟m sure that if I will do / did, I play / will play / would play a lot better than anyone in this awful team.

  6. If I phone / will phone / phoned you tonight, are you / will you be / would you be in?

  7. Why didn‟t you tell me? If you told / had told me, I had helped / would have helped you.

  8. If Ann wasn‟t driving / didn‟t drive / hadn‟t driven so fast, her car didn‟t crash / wouldn‟t crash / wouldn‟t have crashed into a tree.

  9. Let me give you some advice. If you smoked / would smoke

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