«Балтасап негізгі мектебі» коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі

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Авторлық бағдарлама Ағылшын тілі грамматикасы


1. Анықтаушы сұрақ қойыңыз.

  1. Don‟t leave anything behind, will you?

  2. David is bringing some ice-cream, ___________ ?

  3. Nobody knows who invented the wheel, _________ ? 4. Let‟s invite the Ahmetovs from next door, __________ ? 5. It‟s a nice day, _________ ?

6. I was really first, __________ ? 7. She doesn‟t look well, ____________ ?

  1. They look like big candles, ____________ ?

  2. There is a light out there, ____________ ?

  3. He‟s a lovely little boy, ____________ ?

2. Read the situations and put the questions.
You want to know if it is raining. ….. Is it raining?
You need to ask Polly where she lives. Where do you live?

  1. You would like to ask Nancy where she bought her coat.


  1. You want to ask Susan if Amy can swim. ……………….

  2. You want to ask Simon which band he likes best.


  1. On the phone you want to know who you are speaking to.


  1. You need to know how much video recorders cost.


  1. You are asking permission to come in. ……………. 7. You need to find out how long the journey takes. ………….

8. You want to ask Adrain what he locked the door for. 9. You want to ask what happens next. ………….
10. You want to suggest that you all go out together.
3. Сӛйлемдердегі қателерді түзетіңіз.
Would like you to go sailing? …. Would you like to go sailing? …

  1. Do you be a student here? …………………

  2. How many cakes have eaten you? ……………………

  3. Enjoyed you your walk? ……………………

  4. Where your friends have gone? ……………… 5. What kind music do you like? …………………..

  1. Does Peter plays tennis? …………………

  2. About what are you talking? …………………… 8. What has it happened? ………………….

4. Put the sentences in right form.

  1. I / love / really / these / trousers

  2. is / rather / silly / this game

  3. already / I‟ve / paid / the bill

  4. easily / Jonathan / passed / the test

  5. a lot / cards / play / the children

  6. enough / isn‟t / loud / the alarm 7. didn‟t / enough / sell / they / tickets

  1. ask / many / questions / too / you

  2. a member / any more / of the club / I‟m / not

  3. enough / it‟s / outside / to sit / warm

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