«Балтасап негізгі мектебі» коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі

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Авторлық бағдарлама Ағылшын тілі грамматикасы

Strike while the iron is hot – Темірді қызған кезде соқ.


1. Берілген сӛйлемдерді тӛмендегі сӛздермен толықтырыңыз.
Across, against, for, in, into, on, round, to, up, with

  1. I‟ll send someone to call … the parcel on Thursday.

  2. You‟ll have to work hard to keep …. with the rest of the class.

  3. Jean didn‟t expect to come up … such difficulties. 4. It‟s not fair. You‟re always picking … me.

5. Terry sang the first verse and then everyone joined … . 6. I came … one of your novels in a second – hand bookshop.
7. I‟m not interested in buying anything. I‟m just looking …. 8. Don‟t you think the manager should deal … this problem?

  1. George came … a lot of money when his uncle died.

  2. You look very guilty! What have you been getting up … ?

2. Курсивпен берілген сӛздерді фразалық етістікке айналдырыңыз.

  1. I think that you invented this story. __________ .

  2. When do you think your book will be published? _________

  3. I think that the weather is improving. __________

  4. I can‟t find an answer to this problem. ___________

  5. Be careful! You are going to fall. _____________

  6. I‟m afraid, William tends to stop trying. __________

  7. The plane is going to leave the ground. ___________

  8. I think that Sue and Neil have quarreled. ___________

  9. She longed to visit the house in Artvin, where she was brought up as a child. _________

  10. The car suddenly stopped, and I realized that we had no more petrol. _______

3. Фразалық етістікті жай етістікке айналдырыңыз.

  1. At half past six, the alarm clock went off. ___________

  2. Jim is very good at talking off his teacher. ___________

  3. Please don‟t bring up that subject again. _____________

  4. There is one small matter I would like to clear up.


  1. Jean is really good at picking up languages. __________

  2. All my old clothes need taking up. _______

  3. The whole cost of the equipment works out at ₤450. _____________

  4. Jackie broke down and everyone felt sorry for her. ______________

  5. Although none of us wanted to go on picnic, it turned out to be quite enjoyable. ________

  6. John‟s finally got over his operation now and is back at work.

____ .
4. Қазақша баламасын беріңіз.

  1. Handsome is that handsome does. ______________

  2. Business before pleasure. ____________

  3. Better late than never. ______________

  4. Half a loaf is better than no bread. ___________

  5. So many men, so many minds. ___________

  6. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. _________

  7. Everything is good in it‟s season. ____________

  8. When the cat is away, the mice will play. _____________

  9. Something is better than nothing. _____________

  10. Live and learn. ______________

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