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Авторлық бағдарлама Ағылшын тілі грамматикасы

Capital letters

There are two capital letters (big letters) in this sentence.
The boss said I could leave early.
We use a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence and for the word I.
We also use a capital letter to begin the names of people, places, companies, etc.
Mark and Sarah New Orleans the High Street Somerset
House General Motors
This includes the names of books, films, magazines, etc. Al the important words start with a capital letter.
The Spy Loved Me Four Weddings and a Funeral Newsweek
We also use a capital letter fir days of the week, month of the year, holidays and festivals, historical times, nationalities and most abbreviations.
Monday, August Easter the New Year the Industrial revolution some Italian wine the UN (=the United Nations)

APPENDIX – 3 The Difference between British and American English - Британия және Америка ағылшын тілдерінің айырмашылығы

A Present Perfect and Past
The British use the Present Perfect for recent actions, and especially with just, already and yet.
Bob has washed the dishes, look.
We‟ve already eaten our lunch.
I‟ve just seen Elaine.
Have you corrected your work yet?
The British normally use the Present Perfect with ever and never, not the Past Simple.
Have you ever played cricket?
The child has never seen snow before.
The British use will for the future, but they can also use shall in the first person.

American can use either the Present Perfect or the Past Simple in these sentences.
Bob has washed the dishes, look.
or Bob washed the dishes, look. We‟ve already eaten our lunch. or We‟ve already ate our lunch.
I‟ve just seen Elaine. or I just saw Elaine.

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