«Балтасап негізгі мектебі» коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі

while, all day long, all the time, the whole evening

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Авторлық бағдарлама Ағылшын тілі грамматикасы

while, all day long, all the time, the whole evening




was playing


was not



was playing


were not


was playing


was not










you we they


you we they



were not


she it


she it



was not


1. Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous instead of the infinitives in brackets:
Mark: …… Are you looking …. (you/look) for someone?
Alan: Yes, …. I need …… (I need) to speak to Neil. he isn‟t in his office. Mark: (1) ……… (he / talk) to the boos at the moment. (2) ………… (I / think) (3) ……………. (they / discuss) money.
Alan: Oh, right. And what about you? (4) ……….. (you / look) for someone too?
Mark: Yes, Linda. (5)……… (you / know) where she is?
Alan: Oh, she isn‟t here today. She only (6) ……….. work four days a week. (7) ……….. (she / not / work) on Fridays. She‟ll be here on Monday.
Mark: Thank you. (8) ………. (you / know) a lot of about Linda.
Alan: Well, most days (9) ……….. (I / give) her a lift, or
(10) ……….. (she / give) me one. (11) …………. (She / live) quite close to me. (12) …………. (it / save) petrol.
Mark: Yes, of course. Good idea. Yes, (13) …………….
(I / agree). Well, (14) ………….. (I / waste) my time here then, I‟ll get back to my computer.
2. Find the right form of the verb in the dialogue.
Emma: Hi, Mike. What do you look / are you looking at?
Michael: Oh, hi. These are photos of mine when I was a child.
Emma: Oh, look at this one. I think / I‟m thinking you look lovely, Mike.
Michael: I have / I‟m having some more photos here. Emma: Look at this. Why such a big coat?
Michael: It was my brother‟s. That‟s why it didn‟t / it wasn‟t fitting properly.
Emma: Oh, I see / I‟m seeing. And you have / you‟re having your tea here. And in this one you think / you‟re thinking about something very serious.
Michael: This is a photo of the village. I come / I‟m coming from.
Emma: Oh, that‟s nice.
Michael: And I caught this fish, look. It weighted / it was weighing about half a kilo.
Emma: What a nice little boy!
3. Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous?

  1. Elizabeth usually goes / is usually going to bed at around

eleven o‟clock.

  1. Dan talks / is taking on the other phone right now.

  1. We don‟t eat / aren‟t eating any meat at the moments as we‟re both on a diet.

  2. Does air travel get / I air travel getting increasingly.

  3. My mum calls / is calling me every weekend without fail.

  4. How much do babysitters generally earn / are babysitters generally earning?

  5. You always come / You‟re always coming up with excuses for not having done your homework. It‟s so annoying!

  6. I don‟t go / I‟m not going out much during the week but I always try / I‟m always trying to go out somewhere on Saturday night.

  7. No, the train does stop / is stopping at Cirencester on Saturdays.

  8. My mum takes / is taking part in ice-skating competitions almost every weekend.

4. Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous instead of the infinitives in brackets:

  1. My elder sister (to have) a music lesson. She always (to have) a music lesson on Friday.

  1. Who (to sing) in the next room?

  1. Father (to read) a newspaper. He usually (to read) something before going to bed.

  2. Mother (to cook) breakfast in the kitchen. She always (to cook) in the mornings.

  3. Who you (to wait) for? – I (to wait) for Ann, we must leave in ten minutes.

  4. It often (to rain) in autumn.

7.Do not go out, it (to rain) heavily.
8.You (to understand) the use of the Present Indefinite and the Present Continuous quite well? 9.What you (to smile), Kitty?
11. I often (to meet) you at the corner of this street. You (to wait) for anybody?
12.You usually (to go) through the park? – Not usually, it‟s only today that I (to go) here.
13.You (to hear) anything? – Yes, somebody (to knock) at the door.
14.They still (to discuss) where to go now.
5. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Indefinite or Present Continuous:
1. Look up! The sun …. so brightly. (to shine). 2. My uncle usually…. newspapers in the evening. (to read). 3. As a rule, my sister …. all housework in the evening. (to do). 4. Go and see! our children
…. soundly. (to sleep). 5. Our family usually …. out of town on Sundays. (to go). What …. the students …. at the moment? (to do). Some of the students …. themselves. While the others …. the dialogue by heart. (to record, to learn) 6. ... your nephew …. English books in the original? (to read) 7. Hallo! Where …. you …. ? (go) – I …. to the university (to go). …. you …. there, too? (to go) – No, I …. not usually …. to the University in the morning. (to go) I …. evening classes (to attend). 9. …. you …. the words of this English song? (to understand) – Yes, I …. that now I …. them (to think, to understand).
10.Whom …. you …. there? (to see)
6. Open the brackets, using Past Simple or Past Continuous.

  1. When Martin …. (arrive) home, Anna …… (talk) to someone on the phone. Martin …. (start) to get the tea.

  1. I …… (lie) in the bath when the phone …. (ring). It ….. (stop) after a few rings.

  1. It …. (be) cold when we ….. (leave) the house that day, and a light snow ……… (fall).

  2. Your friend who ……… (come) here the other day …… (seem) very nice. I …… (enjoy) meeting her.

  3. When I …. (see) the man, he ….. (stand) outside the bank. He …… (have) a black baseball cap on.

  4. When I ….. (open) the cupboard door, a pile of books …..

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