«Балтасап негізгі мектебі» коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі

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Авторлық бағдарлама Ағылшын тілі грамматикасы


1. Choose the right variant of the main verb.
She ... at the parcel long enough, before she ... that it was for her brother.

  1. had been looking, had understood

  2. had been looking, understood

  3. was looking, understood

  4. was looking, has understood

  5. was looked, has understood

2. Choose the right variant of the main verb. We were good friends, we … … each other for years.

  1. had known d) know

  2. had knowing e) known

  3. were knowing

3. Choose the right variant of the main verb.
We were extremely tired at the end of the journey. We …. for more than 24 hours.

  1. had travelled d) travel

  2. were travelling e) have travelled

  3. had been travelling

4. Choose the right variant of the main verb.
How long … this book? How many pages of this book … ? a) have you been reading, have you been reading

  1. have you read, have you read

  2. have you read, you read

  3. have you been reading, have you read

  4. have you reading, have read

5. Choose the right variant of the main verb.
We … to the top of Holborn Hill before I … that he was not smiling at all.

  1. had got, knew d) have got, have known

  2. got, knew e) are getting, knew

  3. were getting, knew

6. Choose the right variant of the main verb.
Present Perfect. I am afraid (forget) my book at home.

  1. Have forgotten d) Had forgotten

  2. Has forgotten e) Having forgotten

  3. Have forgot

7. Choose the right variant of the main verb.
Present Perfect. …the secretary (yet/ come)?

  1. Had … come yet? d) Has will… come yet?

  2. Has … come yet? e) Having … come yet?

  3. Have… come yet?

8. Choose the right variant of the main verb.
Present Perfect. I (learn) the rhyme. Could you listen to me?

  1. Have learning/learnt d) Have learned/learnt

  2. Has learned/learnt e) Have learned/learning

  3. Had learned/learnt

9. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Present Perfect. …you (ever/ be) to Italy?

  1. Had you ever been d) Having you ever been

  2. Have you ever been e) Has you ever been

  3. Have your ever been

10. Choose the right variant of the main verb.
Present Perfect. They (already/ inform) me about the accident. a) Have had already informed d) Had already informed

  1. Has already informed e) Have already informed

  2. Having already informed

11. Choose the right variant of the main verb.
Present Perfect. He is the most handsome man I (ever/ know).

  1. Have been ever known d) Has ever known

  2. Have ever knew e) Had ever known

  3. Have ever known

12. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Present Perfect. Kevin (already/ leave for) Manchester.

  1. Has already leave for d) Has already left for

  2. Have already left for e) Having already left for

  3. Had already left for

13. Choose the right variant of the main verb.
Present Perfect. He (not/ receive) any letters from her this week.

  1. Hasn‟t receive d) Hadn‟t received

  2. Haven‟t received e) Hasn‟t have received

  3. Hasn‟t received

    1. Choose the right variant of the main verb.

Present Perfect. I (not/ hear) from him since he left Paris.

    1. Haven‟t hear d) Hasn‟t heard

    2. Haven‟t heard e) Hadn‟t heard

    3. Haven‟t have heard

    1. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Present Perfect. I (not/ see) Tom for ages.

    1. Haven‟t see d) Hasn‟t seen

    2. Haven‟t seen e) Hadn‟t see

    3. Not seen

    1. Choose the right variant of the main verb.

Present Perfect. …you (have) a holiday this year?

    1. Have you had d) Have has you had

    2. Has you had e) Having you had

    3. Had you had

    1. Choose the right variant of the main verb.

Present Perfect. We (see) some good films recently.

    1. Had seen d) Having seen

    2. Has seen e) Have seen

    3. Have see

    1. Choose the right variant of the main verb.

Present Perfect. They (wait) for you for half an hour.

    1. Has waited d) Have waited

    2. Have waiting e) Have did waited

    3. Had waited

    1. Choose the right variant of the main verb.

Present Perfect. Mom (have) a headache since she came from the theater.

    1. Had had d) Has had

    2. Have had e) Have, have

    3. Having had

    1. Choose the right variant of the main verb.

Present Perfect. Alan (work) in the bank for a year.

    1. Had worked d) Have worked

    2. Has work e) Has worked

    3. Has working

    1. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Present Perfect. Granny (be) ill for a fortnight.

    1. Been ill d) Has been ill

    2. Has ill e) Has being ill

    3. Have been ill

    1. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Present Perfect. …you (ever/ ride) a horse?

    1. Having you ever ridden d) Have you ever ride

    2. Had you ever ridden e) Have you ever ridden

    3. Have has you ever ridden

    1. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Present Perfect/ Past Simple. We (not/ have) a holiday last year.

    1. Didn‟t have d) Hasn‟t have

    2. Haven‟t had e) Don‟t has

    3. Hadn‟t have

    1. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Present Perfect/ Past Simple.

My parents (be) to the USA many times.

    1. Have been d) Was

    2. Were e) Was being

    3. Have being

    1. Choose the right variant of the main verb. Present Perfect/ Past Simple.

I (buy) a new dress last week, but I (not/ wear) it yet.

    1. Bought, haven‟t worn e) Had buy, didn‟t

    2. Have bought, wore wearing

    3. Had bough, didn‟t wear

    4. Had bough, don‟t wear

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