«Балтасап негізгі мектебі» коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі

afford: I can‟t afford to buy it. agree

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afford: I can‟t afford to buy it.

  • agree: They agreed to help us.

  • appear: She appears to be tired.

  • arrange: I will arrange to meet you at the airport.

  • ask: He asked to come with us.

  • can’t bear: I can‟t bear to wait in long lines.

  • beg: He begged to come with us.

  • begin: It began to rain.

  • care: I don‟t care to see that show.

  • claim: She claims to know a famous movie star.

  • consent: She finally consented to marry him.

  • continue: He continued to speak.

  • decide: I have decided to leave on Monday.

  • demand: I demand to know who is responsible.

  • expect: I except to enter graduate school in the fall.

  • fail: She failed to return the book to the library on time.

  • forget: I forget to write the letter.

  • hate: I hate to make silly mistakes.

  • hesitate: Don‟t hesitate to ask for my help.

  • hope: Jack hopes to arrive next week.

  • learn: He learned to play the piano.

  • like: I like to do gymnastics.

  • love: I love to go to operas.

  • manage: She managed to finish her work early.

  • mean: I did not mean to hurt your feelings.

  • need: I need to have your opinion.

  • offer: The offered to help us.

  • plan: I am planning to have a party.

  • prefer: Ann prefers to walk to work.

  • prepare: We prepared to welcome them.

  • pretend: He pretends not to understand.

  • promise: I promise not to be late.

  • refuse: I refuse to believe his story.

  • remember: I regret to tell you that you failed.

  • seem: I remembered to lock the door.

  • cannot stand: I cannot stand to wait in long lines.

  • start: It started to rain.

  • struggle: I struggled to stay awake.

  • swear: She swore to tell the truth.

  • threaten: She threatened to tell my parents.

  • try: I‟m trying to learn English.

  • volunteer: He volunteered to help us.

  • want: I want to tell you something.

  • wish: She wishes to come with us.

    To демеулігінсіз қолданылатын етістіктер:
    1. can (could), may (might), should, must, will, shall, would модалді етістіктерінен кейін

    • You must do it at once.

    • She can speak English • You should try to do your best.

    • You had better go home now.

    • You needn’t worry.

    2. let, make, see, hear, feel, watch, notice, help етістіктерінен кейін (American English)

    • My father lets me drive his car.

    • Let’s go to the cinema

    • Could you help me lay the table?

    • Sad movies make me cry.

    • Did you feel the earth move?

    • I heard him sing “Figaro”.

    • I saw him cut the carpet.

    Есте сақтаңыз!
    Ырықсыз етісте hear, make, see етістіктері to демеулігімен қолданылады:
    Active (Ӛзгелік етіс)

    • The teacher made me stand in the corner.

    Passive (Ырықсыз етіс)

    • I was made to stand in the corner.

    The Objective Infinitive construction Complex object

    «Объективтік септік инфинитивпен» немесе «кҥрделі толықтауыш» қҧрылымы ағылшын тілінде кейбір етістіктерден кейін бағыныңқылы сӛйлемдердің орнына қолданылады. Ол объектік септіктегі есімдіктің немесе жалпы септіктергі зат есіммен инфинитивтің байланысы арқылы беріледі.
    Мына етістіктерден кейін object + infinitive қолданылады:

    • advise: She advised me to wait until tomorrow.

    • allow: She allowed me to use her car.

    • ask: I asked John to help us.

    • beg They begged us to come.

    • cause: Her laziness caused her to fail.

    • challenge: She challenged me to race her to the corner.

    • convince: I couldn‟t convince him to accept our help.

    • dare: He dared me to do better than he had done.

    • encourage: He encouraged me to try again.

    • expect: I expect you to be on time.

    • forbid: I forbid you to tell him.

    • force: The forced him to tell the truth.

    • hire: She hired a boy to mow lawn.

    • instruct: He instructed them to be careful.

    • invite: Harry invited the John sons to come to his party.

    • need: We needed Chris to help us figure out the solution.

    • order: The judge ordered me to pay a fine.

    • permit: He permitted the children to stay up late.

    • persuade: I persuaded him to come for a visit.

    • remind: She reminded me to lock the door.

    • require: Our teacher requires us to be on time.

    • teach: My brother taught me to swim.

    • tell: The doctor told me to take these pills.

    • urge: I urged her to apply for the job.

    • want: I want you to be happy.

    • warn: I warned you not to drive too fast.

    Prefer, would rather, had better

    prefer + noun / - ing+ to + noun / - ing

    Жалпы қалауды білдіреді

    1. I prefer biology to history.

    2. I prefer reading English texts to speaking in English.

    would prefer + full infinitive + rather
    than (+bare/full infinitive)

    Қалауды білдіреді

    a) I’d rather to have the lessons on Wednesday
    rather than (to) have it on
    Tuesday, if that‟s possible.

    would rather + bare infinitive + than
    (+bare infinitive)

    Жалпы қалауды білдіреді

    a) I‟d rather have the
    lessons on Wednesday than
    (have it) on Tuesday, if possible.

    Would rather + sb + past simple / past continuous

    Қалауды білдіру (біреуге қатысты)

    a) I‟d rather you didn‟t sit next to me.

    had better + bare infinitive

    Кеңес беру

    a) You’d better ask your
    parents if you can come on the school trip.


    Put the verbs to the right form: 1. Don‟t forget _______ the letter I gave you.

    1. Jill has decided not __________ a car.

    2. There was a lot of traffic but we managed _____________ to the airport in time.

    3. We were all afraid to speak. Nobody dared ________ anything.

    4. It was a nice weather, so we decided __________ for a walk. 6. He‟s learning __________ (cook) Chinese food.

    7. Do not forget _______ (let) the cat out tonight. 8. I‟d love ________ (travel) around the world.

    1. We stopped _________ (rest) because we were tired.

    2. Max hopes ________ (go) to Bolivia next summer

    2. Put the verbs to the right form:

    1. I‟ve never been to Australia, but I‟d like _______ go there.

    2. They don‟t allow people __________ (park) in front of the building.

    3. The film was very sad. It made me _______ (cry).

    4. I don‟t recommend _________ in that restaurant. The food it‟s terrible. (eat).

    5. She said the letter was personal and wouldn‟t let me ______

    (read) it.

    1. Let me ________ (carry) your bag for you.

    2. Pauline couldn‟t manage ________ (eat) all the ice cream.

    3. She wishes ________ (come) with us.

    4. She threatened ___________ (tell) my parents.

    5. I hate ___________ (make) silly mistakes.

    3. Put the verbs to the right form: - ing, infinitive.

    1. Sometimes I regret _________ (move) to this part of the country.

    2. I really miss (play) __________ tennis like I used to.

    3. It‟s not worth (buy) ___________ a second hand bicycle. 4. I promise I won‟t forget (feed) _______ the car.

    1. If you got a headache, try (take) ________ an aspirin.

    2. We‟ve arranged (meet) ________ outside the school at 4.30.

    3. Did you notice anyone (wait) ________ outside when you left?

    4. Rustem pretended (not notice) _______ the “No parking” sign.

    5. Aynur prefers (walk) ____________ to work.

    6. We enjoy (play) ________ piano.


    1. Put the verb in right form: It‟s nice … work.

    1. to having finished d) to have finished

    2. had finished e) being having

    3. to have been finishing finishing

    2. Find the Indefinite (Simple) from the verb “understand”: It‟s nice … work.

    1. to having finished d) to have finished

    2. had finished e) being having

    3. to have been finishing finishing

    3. Put the verb in the right form:
    That dog seems … (be) friendly.

    1. to be d) to being

    2. to have e) have being

    3. be

    4. Put the verb in the right form: I promised … (not be) late.

    1. to not be. d) not to be

    2. to be not. e) not having been

    3. not to being

    5. Бҧл сӛйлемде инфинитив: To make mistakes is easy.

    1. анықтауыш d) пысықтауыш

    2. баяндауыш e) бастауыш

    3. толықтауыш 6. Бҧл сӛйлемде инфинитив:

    I have phoned you to ask for advice.

    1. анықтауыш d) пысықтауыш

    2. баяндауыш e) бастауыш

    3. толықтауыш

    7. Инфинитив бастауыш функциясын атқарып тҧрған сӛйлемді кӛрсетіңіз:

    1. It‟s too hot to wear coat.

    2. Riding a horse is very exiting.

    3. They seem to have been cleaning this house for a long time.

    4. I am glad to have seen him.

    5. To know our history well is necessary on the exam.

    8. Бҧл сӛйлемде инфинитив:
    I have phoned you to ask for advice.

    1. анықтауыш d) пысықтауыш

    2. баяндауыш e) бастауыш

    3. толықтауыш 9. Бҧл сӛйлемде инфинитив: He gave me a book to read.

    1. анықтауыш d) пысықтауыш

    2. баяндауыш e) бастауыш

    3. толықтауыш

    10. Инфинитив толықтауыш функциясын атқарып тҧрған сӛйлемді кӛрсетіңіз:

    1. to have a lot of money is my dream

    2. I hate making silly mistakes.

    e) Our target is to enter
    the university

    1. My duty is to tidy the house.

    2. I want to drink a cup of tea. 11. Put the verb in the right form: You always make me … (laugh)

    1. laughing d) laughed

    2. to laugh e) to laughed

    3. laugh

    12. Put the verb in the right form: I want you … (tell) the truth.

    1. to have told d) to telling

    2. telling e) told

    3. to tell

    13. Put the verb in the right form:
    I heard her … (open) the door and go out.

    1. to open d) opens

    2. open e) having open

    3. opened

    14. Choose the right variant:
    I bought this new software ___________ Chinese.

    1. for learning d) learned

    2. learning e) to learning

    3. to learn

    15. Choose the right variant:
    It isn‟t difficult ________ this textbook.

    1. understand d) to understand

    2. in order to understand e) understanding

    3. for understanding

    16. Choose the right variant:
    Are you ready? It‟s time ___________ .

    1. for going d) go

    2. to go e) to going

    3. going

    17. Choose the right variant:
    I talked to the students about working harder but I couldn‟t _______ them to study.

    1. make d) let

    2. get e) made

    3. got

    18. Choose the right variant:
    My mother ___________ do my homework before I go out.

    1. makes me d) lets me

    2. helps me e) forces me

    3. gets me

    19. Choose the right variant:
    Don‟t forget ________ home as soon as you arrive at your destination.

    1. to call d) to be called

    2. calling e) to have called

    3. having called

    20. Choose the right variant:
    The man ________ in the garden is listening to music.

    1. work d) is working

    2. working e) to work

    3. worked

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