«Балтасап негізгі мектебі» коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі

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Авторлық бағдарлама Ағылшын тілі грамматикасы


1. Choose the right variant.
He had no practice in composing music, _____________ ?

  1. didn‟t he d) has he

  2. had he e) doesn‟t he

  3. does he

2. Choose the right variant.
You have read all Pushkin‟s book, __________ ?

  1. not you d) aren‟t you

  2. have you e) isn‟t it

  3. haven‟t you

3. Choose the right variant.
You have a bad headache, ___________ ?

  1. isn‟t it d) haven‟t you

  2. don‟t you e) won‟t you

  3. does it

4. Choose the right variant.
He never thought what might come out of it, ___________ ?

  1. does he d) did he

  2. hasn‟t he e) won‟t he

  3. didn‟t he

5. Choose the right variant.
She comes from the family of Donovan, __________ ?

  1. hasn‟t he d) doesn‟t she

  2. didn‟t he e) won‟t she

  3. do you

6. Choose the right variant.
You have fifnished your work, ___________ ?

  1. didn‟t you d) won‟t you

  2. haven‟t you e) have you

  3. don‟t you

7. Choose the right variant.
He isn‟t a student, ___________ he?

  1. is d) isn‟t

  2. does e) was

  3. do

8. Choose the right variant.
There are so many people in the street, __________ ?

  1. are they d) aren‟t there

  2. are there e) isn‟t there

  3. aren‟t they

9. Choose the right variant.
You don‟t play the piano, ____________ ?
a)don‟t you d) does it

  1. do you e) hasn‟t it

  2. doesn‟t you

10. Choose the right variant.
This winter is not very cold, __________ ?

  1. isn‟t it d) won‟t it

  2. is it e) hasn‟t it

  3. does it

11. Choose the right variant.
They have to ask somebody else to help them, ___________ ?

  1. haven‟t they d) don‟t they

  2. have they e) hasn‟t they

  3. do they

12. Choose the right variant.
There were many mistakes in your dictation, ___________ ?

  1. weren‟t they d) weren‟t there

  2. were they e) aren‟t there

  3. aren‟t they

13. Choose the right variant.
He had lunch at home today, ___________ ?

  1. hadn‟t he d) didn‟t he

  2. wasn‟t he e) had he

  3. did he

14. Choose the right variant.
You lived here 3 months ago, ___________ ?

  1. don‟t you d) have you

  2. had you e) do you

  3. didn‟t you

    1. Choose the right variant.

It isn‟t very early now, _____________ ?

    1. isn‟t it d) han‟t it

    2. it is e) is it

    3. doesn‟t it

    1. Choose the right variant.

Pete doesn‟t work hard, ___________ ?

    1. is he d) he works

    2. he does e) doesn‟t he

    3. does he

    1. Choose the right variant.

A sick man can‟t go out, can he?

    1. No, he can‟t. d) No, he isn‟t.

    2. I didn‟t know. e) Yes, he could.

    3. Yes, she could.

    1. Choose the right variant.

Nothing can stop us now, __?

    1. don‟t it

    2. doesn‟t it

    3. can‟t it

    4. can it

    5. does it

    1. Choose the right variant:

You want to know who shouted “Fire”:

    1. Who was shouting “Fire”?

    2. Who was near the fire?

    3. Whom did he shout at?

    4. Who did shout “Fire”?

e)Who shouted “Fire”

    1. Choose the right variant: The woman I saw was wearing a red sweater and black jeans. a) What is she wear?

    1. What was she wearing?

    2. What is she wearing?

    3. What has she wearing?

    4. What she wore?

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