«Балтасап негізгі мектебі» коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі

A / the aртикльмен қолданысы

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Авторлық бағдарлама Ағылшын тілі грамматикасы

A / the aртикльмен қолданысы

Егер бҧл сӛздер жалпы мағынада қолданылса
Her brother is in prison for robbery.
Omar had an accident last week. He was taken to hospital. He is still in hospital now.

Егер белгілі бір
мақсатпен барылатын болса
She went to the prison to visit his brother
Azat has gone to the hospital to visit Omar. He is at the hospital now.


1. Fill in the definite or indefinite article if necessary:
1. a. This house is very nice. Has it got _______ garden?

  1. It‟s a beautiful day. Let‟s sit in ________ garden.

  2. I like living in this house but it‟s a pity that ______ garden is so

2. a. Can you recommend _______ good restaurant?

  1. We had dinner in_______ very nice restaurant.

  2. We had dinner in ______ most expensive restaurant in town.

3. a. She has ______ French name but in fact she‟s English, not French.

  1. What‟s _______ name of that man we met yesterday?

  2. We stayed at a very nice hotel – I can‟t remember ___ name

4. a. There isn‟t _______ airport near where I live _______ nearest airport is 70 miles away.

  1. Our plane was delayed. We had to wait ________ airport for

three hours.

  1. Excuse me, please. Can you tell me how to get to _____ airport?

5. a „Are you going away next week?‟
„No, _______ week after next.‟

  1. I‟m going away for ________ week in September.

  2. George has a part-time job. He works three mornings ________

2. Use the proper article:
1.Come to … blackboard and write … Exercise 12.
2.You have … spelling mistake in … word “nursery”.
3.He is … old friend of mine.
4.There came … tap at … door and in another moment we saw … small girl enter … room.
5.He is young artist and, I should say, rather talented.
6.He gave her … cigarette and lighted it.
7.I don‟t feel … sympathy towards this man.
8. They are going to build … new house.
9.Are … rooms in your flat large or small?
10. … hour is a long time. In … hour you can read … newspaper, or write … letter.
11.What … beautiful music he is playing!
12.In every remark he found … meaning but not always the true meaning.
13.There is … curiosity in her look.
14. … Sand fords have … nice house … house isn‟t large but comfortable.
3. Find the right answer.

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