«Балтасап негізгі мектебі» коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі

Әртүрлі демеуліктермен қолдынылатын тұрақты сӛз тіркестері

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Авторлық бағдарлама Ағылшын тілі грамматикасы

Әртүрлі демеуліктермен қолдынылатын тұрақты сӛз тіркестері:

  • After all – ақыры соңында

  • Day after day (week after week) – күннен күнге (апта сайын)

  • The day after tomorrow – бүрсігүні

  • Long after – кӛп уақыт ӛткен соң

  • At the age (of) – ұлғайған шағында

  • At the beginning - басында

  • At dinner (supper, tea) – түскі ас уақытында, (кешкі аста, шайда)

  • At the end - аяғында

  • At the expense (of) – біреудің арқасында

  • At first - бірінші

  • At the head (of) - басқаруымен

  • At home - үйде

  • At least – дей тұрғанмен

  • At last - соңында

  • At low / high price – тӛмен / жоғары бағамен

  • At night - түнде

  • At once - лезде

  • At first sight – бір кӛргеннен

  • At a time – бір уақытта

  • The day before yesterday – алдыңғы күні

  • Long before – бұдан бұрын

  • Beyond belief – мүмкін емес

  • Beyond doubt – шүбә келтірмеу

  • Beyond hope - үмітсіз

  • Beyond one’s strength (power) – шамадан тыс

  • By accident - кенет

  • By heart – жатқа

  • By land (sea, air) – жерде, (суда, әуеде)

  • By mistake – қателесіп

  • Step by step – қадам қадаммен

  • By train (bus, ship) – поезда, (автобуста, пароходта)

  • By the way - дегенмен

  • Up and down – жоғары және тӛмен

  • Upside down – тӛңкеріліп

  • For ever – мәңгі

  • For instance - мысалы

  • For example - мысалы

  • For this purpose – сол мақсатпен

  • For the first (last) time - алғашқы / соңғы рет

  • From the beginning to the end – басынан аяғына дейін

  • From day to day – күннен күнге

  • From time to time – мезгілден мезгілге дейін

  • From my (his) point of view – менің (оның) ойынша

  • In addition to – толықтыру үшін

  • In case of – егер

  • In any case – қалай дегенмен де

  • In demand - сұраныста

  • In favor of – пайда үшін

  • In front of – алға, қарама-қарсы

  • In the East / West – шығыста, батыста

  • A belief in - сену

  • In general - жалпы

  • In a loud voice – қатты дауыспен

  • In the market – базарда

  • In the meantime – сол уақытта

  • In the morning (afternoon) – таңертең (күндіз)

  • In the open air – аспанда

  • In one’s opinion – оның ойынша

  • In pencil (pen) – қарандашпен (қаламмен)

  • In conclusion - қорытынды

  • In the direction – бағыт бойынша

  • In sight – кӛз алдында

  • In the spring … (summer…) – кӛктемде, жазда

  • In the street – кӛшеде

  • In the sun - күнде

  • In stead of - бірге

  • In vain - текке

  • In spite of - қарамастан

  • Plenty of, a lot of – кӛп

  • A number of - рет

  • Of course - әрине

  • It’s kind / stupid of him – оның тарапынан бұл ізеттілік / ақымақтық

  • On an (the) average - орташа

  • On behalf of – біреудің атынан

  • On holiday – демалыста

  • On business – іс-сапармен

  • On condition that – шартпен, егер

  • On the contrary - керісінше

  • On demand - қажеттілікпен

  • On foot - жаяу

  • On the other hand – бір жағынан

  • On purpose - әдейі

  • On the right (left) – оңға, солға

  • On sale - саттықта

  • On the sea - теңізде

  • On television (radio) – теледидардан, радиодан

  • On the way – жолда

  • On the whole - жалпы

  • And so on – т.с.с.

  • Later on - кейін

  • Out of danger – қауіпсіз жерде

  • Out of date – мерзімі ӛткен

  • Out of necessity – қажеттілік бойынша

  • Out of pity (envy) – аяныштан (қызғаныштан)

  • Out of work - жұмыссыз

  • All over the world – бүкіл дүние бойынша

  • The lesson is over – сабақ аяқталды

  • Round the corner - бұрышта

  • All around - әр жерде

  • To the end – соңына дейін

  • To the right (left) – оңға (солға)

  • Under the circumstance – бұл жағдайда

  • Up-to-date - қазіргі

  • Up to here - әлі күнге дейін (мекен)

  • Up to now - әлі күнге дейін (мезгіл) • The time’s up – уақыт аяқталды

  • What’s up? – не болып қалды?

  • Without doubt – күмәнсіз

  • Without fail – міндетті түрде


1. Choose the right variant:

  1. Cat was leaning by / against the wall with its hand in / into his pockets.

  1. I got at / to the station just in time to see my mother getting from / off the train.

  1. The café is among / between the chemist‟s and the butcher‟s and across / opposite the library.

  2. Merlan lives at / in Taraz, which is at / in the south of Kazakhstan.

  3. Travelling by / in your own car is better than going by / on foot.

  4. Maral had a hat on / over her head and a veil above / over her face.

  5. We arrived at / in England at / in Gatwick Airport.

  6. Terry isn‟t here. He‟s away in business / on business.

  7. I can‟t disturb her now. She‟s at bed / in bed.

  8. Madina always arrives exactly in time / on time for her lessons.

2. Put in, on, at. We spent the hole holiday … on … the beach. 1. I read about the pop festival …………… a magazine.

  1. My parents‟ flat is …………. the twenty-first floor.

  2. Melanie was holding a small bird …….. her hands.

  3. I‟ll meet you ………. the airport.

  4. Natasha now lives ……….. 32 the avenue.

  5. I was standing ……….. the counter in the baker‟s shop, waiting to be served.

  6. London is ….. the Thames.

  7. There weren‟t many books ……. the shelves. 9. The passengers had to stand ………. a queue.

10. The woman sitting next to me left the train …………
3. Choose the right preposition. 1. I‟ll send someone to call ___________ the parcel on Thursday.

  1. I came _______ one of your novels in a second-hand bookshop.

  2. I‟m not interested in buying anything. I‟m just looking ___________ .

  3. Don‟t you think the manager should deal ___________ this problem.

  4. George came _______ a lot of money when his uncle died.

  5. I arrived ____________ the station.

  6. She is very good _____________ languages.

  7. Congratulations ____________ your success.

  8. The bus crashed _________ a tree.

  9. It all depends ___________ weather.

  10. I divided the cake ___________ three parts.

  11. Why is she dressed __________ black? 13. I‟m interested __________ most sports.

14. He was very kind ___________ her. 15. I‟m looking __________ a place to live.


1. Choose the right variant.
I remember that it was ______my fifteenth birthday that she first put them ______ my hands.

  1. in / on d) into / on

  2. on / into e) at / on

  3. on / at

2. Choose the right variant.
I think we‟ll have read the article _______ 5 p.m. today.

  1. at d) by

  2. to e) in

  3. for

3. Choose the right variant.
It‟s necessary _____ him to do it _________ this year.

  1. of / in d) for / by

  2. for / - e) to / -

  3. to / during

4. Choose the right variant.
I wanted a book _____ Oscar Wilde and asked the librarian to show _____me some ________ his books.

  1. by / - / of d) on / on / with

  2. of / with / at e) by / to / by

  3. of / to / by

5. Choose the right variant.
Take a piece ______ chalk and write the sentence ________ the blackboard.

  1. of / at

  2. of / of

  3. on / on

  4. of / in

  5. of / on

6. Choose the right variant.
______ Monday morning I had been waiting _____ you ____two hours but you didn‟t come.

  1. in / for / at d) on / for / for

  2. on / - / for e) on / for / -

  3. - / with / during

7. Choose the right variant.
What is happening _________ this picture?

  1. at d) in

  2. from e) off

  3. of

8. Choose the right variant.
Do you agree _________ her?

  1. to d) by

  2. of e) with

  3. for

9. Choose the right variant.
“___ your place I‟d ask the boy to apologize ____ you,” Ann said ____ her friend.

  1. on / with / in d) with / on / on

  2. in / to / to e) up / with / to

  3. at / to / for

10. I arrived ________ the station ___________ a taxi.

  1. to / by d) at / in

  2. to / on d) into / by

  3. at / by

11. Choose the right variant.
A traveler who visits New York ______ the first time admires ____ the new architecture.

  1. with / of d) in / with

  2. of / of e) at / to

  3. for / -

12. Choose the right variant.
The girl was dressed ______ the latest fashion but my clothes were quite _____ fashion.

  1. after / out d) for / off

  2. by / out e) on / to

  3. in / out of

13. Choose the right variant.
He is waiting _____ us ________ .

  1. to / round d) for / outside

  2. over / above e) until since

  3. out of / from

14. Choose the right variant.
I looked ____ the box, but there was nothing ______ .

  1. inside / into d) off / upon

  2. into / inside e) out of / inside

  3. around / of

15. Choose the right variant.
I have read some articles ________ this subject _____ the books you gave me.

  1. about / for d) down / by

  2. except / during e) on / besides

  3. beyond / between

16. Choose the right variant.
We protested ____ delays ______ delivery _________ the goods. a) against / in / of d) against / of / in

  1. across / over / after e) along / behind /

  2. about / under / of beside

17. Choose the right variant.
I can see all the details; the boy lazy cat spread out ____ the fireplace, my aunt ______ one chimney corner.

  1. with / without d) within / beyond

  2. in front of / in e) above / over c) in / on

18. Choose the right variant.
My contract has been extended ______ another tear.

  1. to d) for

  2. during e) over

  3. in

19. Choose the right variant.
Think ______ the end _______ every beginning.

  1. for / with d) with / with

  2. to / for e) about / at

  3. of / in

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