«Балтасап негізгі мектебі» коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі

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Авторлық бағдарлама Ағылшын тілі грамматикасы

For example: Sue was very helpful. She gave me some good
advice / advices („advice‟ is right)

  1. Margaret has very long black hair/hairs.

  2. We had a very good weather / very good weather when we were on vacation.

  3. Can I help you with your luggage / luggages?

  4. I want to write some letters. I need a / some newspaper.

  5. I want to write some letters. I need a / some writing paper.

  6. It‟s very difficult to find a work / job at the moment.

  7. Bad news don‟t / doesn‟t make people happy.

  8. Our travel / trip from Paris to Frankfurt by train was very interesting.

  9. The apartment is empty. We don‟t have any furnitures / furniture yet.

  10. When the fire alarm rang, there was a complete chaos / complete chaos.

  11. Can I talk to you? I need an / some advice.

  12. Do you have any experience / experiences?

4. Fill in the definite or indefinite article if necessary:

  1. There are three rooms and … kitchen in her new flat.

  2. My new dress is made of … silk.

  3. If you want to write something on … blackboard, you must have … piece of … chalk.

  4. Are there any students in … Room No. 12?

5.I have … new English book … book is very interesting.
6.There is … garden and … lawn in front of her Institute. … garden is not large, but it is very beautiful.
7.The students of your group must be in … Room №30.

  1. Open … book at page 29 and start reading.

  2. May is … fifth month of the year.

  3. Saturday is … day off.

5. Fill the sentences with under words. Put the article „the‟ is necessary.

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