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The Rising Tone-Pattern 
Contour 1. High/Stepping Head + High Narrow Rise 
Contour 2. Ascending Head + High Narrow Rise 
Contour 3. High/Stepping Head + Mid Wide Rise 
Contour 4. Scandent Head + Mid Wide Rise 
Contour 5. Sliding Head + Mid Wide Rise 
Contour 6. High/Stepping Head + Low Wide Rise 
Contour 7. Scandent Head + Low Wide Rise 
Contour 8. Sliding Head + Low Wide Rise 
Contour 9. Low Head + Low Narrow Rise 
The Falling Tone-Pattern 
Contour 1. High/Stepping Head + Mid Wide Fall 
Contour 2. High/Stepping Head + Low Narrow Fall 
Contour 3. High/Stepping Head + High Wide Fall 
Contour 4. Sliding Head + Mid/High Wide Fall 
Contour 5. Scandent Head + Mid/High Wide Fall 
The Falling-Rising Tone-Pattern 
Contour 1. Sliding/High Head + High/Mid Fall-Rise Undivided 
Contour 2. High/Stepping Head + High/Mid Fall-Rise Divided 
Contour 3. Low Head + Low Fall-Rise Divided 
Contour 4. Ascending Head + Fall-Rise Divided 
The Rising-Falling Tone-Pattern 
Contour 1. High/Stepping Head + Rise-Fall 
Contour 2. Sliding Head + Rise-Fall 
Contour 3. Scandent Head + Rise-Fall 
The meaning of the contours is, generally speaking, the sum total of the meanings of the nuclear 
tone and the head
Two points must be made clear in connection with the usage of the patterns. 
1. The semantic effect of an intonation pattern depends to a degree on the type of the 
sentence it is used in: the inherent meaning of the intonation pattern may coincide with the 
communicative nature of the sentence-type (e.g. the finality and assertiveness of a fall with a 
statement; the incompleteness of a rise with a yes-no question). This is why the same pattern is 
regarded as ‘normal’ for some sentence-types, and ‘not normal’ for others, although in principle and 
in practice any of the patterns can be applied to any of the sentence-types. ‘Not normal’ here 
obviously means some additional effect, or connotation, leading to a modification of the 
communicative meaning of the sentence-type (e.g. implicatory statements, insistent or sceptical 
general questions). This additional effect is usually of a modal-emotional kind. 
2. Intonation patterns differ in the expressiveness of their meaning, which is proportional to 
the expressiveness (vividness) of their form. Thus, an utterance with a Scandent Head in 
combination with any of the nuclear tones is more expressive than an utterance with a Stepping 
Head and is more suitable for a lively intimate conversation, while an utterance with a Stepping 

Head is more suitable for a businesslike talk. Again, utterances with the rising-falling nuclear tone 
are more colourful than those with a simple falling tone, etc. 
According to this principle intonation patterns can be subdivided into emotionally neutral 
and emotionally coloured. However, this subdivision is but relative and is introduced, mainly, for 
practical convenience. 
In the above lists of the English basic intonation patterns less expressive, or neutral, 
contours come first in each group of contours, whenever several types of head are combined with 
one type of the nuclear tone. The present section of the book deals mainly with neutral patterns, 
while the more expressive and emotionally coloured contours will be treated in one of the next 
sections devoted to English expressive intonation. 

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