Бұл мақала Қазақстанның АҚШ-тың білім беру жүйелері туралы. It екі түрлі континентте орналасқан мемлекеттердің білім беру жүйесіндегі айырмашылықты, Қазақстан мен АҚШ арасындағы айырмашылықты анықтайды

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The difference between the educational system of Kazakhstan and the USA
Abdiker Asel-student of FI22-11k1 group.
Nazarova Gaziza-candidate of pedagogical sciences
1. Importance of education.
2. Education system of Kazakhstan.
3. The US education system.
4. The choice at the country to the study.
Бұл мақала Қазақстанның АҚШ-тың білім беру жүйелері туралы. IT екі түрлі континентте орналасқан мемлекеттердің білім беру жүйесіндегі айырмашылықты, Қазақстан мен АҚШ арасындағы айырмашылықты анықтайды. Оқушылардың еркіндігі туралы айтатын боламыз. Бұл ретте олардың білімге деген қызығушылықтары туралы айтылады.
Эта статья о системах образования Казахстана США. ИТ определяет разницу в системе образования государств, расположенных на двух разных континентах, различия между Казахстаном и США. Мы поговорим о свободе студентов. В то же время говорится об их интересе к образованию.
This article is about the education systems of Kazakhstan USA. IT determines the difference in the education system of the states located on two different continents, differences between Kazakhstan and the USA. We will talk about the freedom of students. At the same time, it is said about their interest in education.
Raising a child is one of the biggest responsibilities. The child’s attitude towards life is shaped by his parents and his environment. The child grows up looking around. The child's growth process necessarily includes the period of education and acquisition. A good school and university education is a joy for everyone. It is never too late to learn. As this is the age of opportunities, education is not too late for the elderly, but rather an opportunity and pride.
First, let's pay attention to the specific situation of schools and universities in Kazakhstan that we know. Our school is a free process. And provides education at a satisfactory level. The student can freely choose the profession he likes and study at the university he likes. However, some things are forbidden in our mentality. It interferes with the child's choice. Or parents can achieve their dreams through their children. Or giving up your dream because of the words and opinions of people who are not related to your life. For these and other reasons, Kazakhstani students make the wrong choice in life. Of course, listening to the words of parents is a good thing. But you need to fulfill your dream. Because the chance to live is given only once to a person. And now let's discuss the differences between Kazakhstan and the USA in terms of education system with real facts. Let's consider the difference between schools first. Kazakhstan schools are very good. There are many schools that teach at a higher level. However, due to the negligence of teachers and students towards each other, the rating system goes down. Then school education will be free in Kazakhstan. When education is free, students cannot be held accountable. That is, he does not know the value. And the lack of fully equipped schools. Only a few schools in Kazakhstan are fully equipped with equipment. Almost all students learn with textbooks. At the school very little use of technology. Students bring their textbooks from home. Schools do not have lockers for individual students. Students carry their belongings with them. If the teacher wants to punish the student, he can punish according to his will. And there is pressure on students from the school. Everything creates an ideal image of the student. The student must answer any question correctly. If he does not know the answer, he will be embarrassed and laughed at by his friends. And now, if we talk about the good sides, the education system in Kazakhstan is divided into two directions according to the future professions of schoolchildren. They are humanitarian and scientific. The school provides students with education in two directions. In this way, specializations specific to both areas will be supplemented with strong students. It is strictly necessary to wear the same fixed uniform. And speaking three languages, fulfilling the requirements for education. The higher education is provided in the universities of Kazakhstan. And students will have freedom. Of course, it should not go too far. Of course, the style of dress is taken into account. Students will have great opportunities while at the university. If he gets a good education, if he takes into account the opportunities created, he can quickly achieve his goal. Now, if you go to any university and talk to students, you will see that they are ordinary students who have achieved great things. The condition of Kazakh universities is very good. And there are no significant disadvantages. I think that Kazakhstani schools need a lot of changes.
The USA education system has a number of peculiarities. Pupils and students are provided with very good conditions. First, let's discuss the school situation. Students are given freedom at school. There is no fixed dress code. The rights of students are well protected. If the student does not know the answer to the question, it is considered normal. The school are equipped with equipment. Special events are often held to create a special bond between teacher and student. Each student has their own lockers. There are also disadvantages. There are fights between students at school. Having violent children. America’s schools have no demand for hard subjects related to freedom. The lack of respect for the teachers at school. And paid education. In the USA, schooling is paid for. Because of that, students do not neglect school. This is very good. And the difference between universities and colleges is very simple. America’s universities and schools have a freedom. Students can assert their individual rights. But since everything here is paid, they take education very seriously. Someone tries to get an education. However, being young, it is quite possible that he will make a mistake and act contrary to his freedom. Under state law, education is compulsory between the ages of five and eight, depending on the state, and ends between the ages of sixteen and eighteen. This requirement may be met in public or state-certified private schools or in an approved home school program. Compulsory education is divided into three levels: primary school, secondary or part-time secondary school and high school. The United States spends more on education per student than any other country. According to a 2016 report, eight of the top ten colleges and universities in the world are American. There are many famous universities in America. They are: private universities Stanford, University of Chicago, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern and New York universities; 1 of 10 schools at the University of California (University of Berkeley); Michigan State University; and research-intensive schools Caltech and MIT. America's education system also has problems. Key issues include assessment of proficiency versus growth, funding and legal protections for special education, and excessive student loan debt.
With these and other features, the educational system of Kazakhstan and the USA is different. Education is very important for any place. Because an educated person can rule the world. It is never too late to pursue education. All that is needed is a person's desire. Although there are some differences between Kazakhstan and the USA, you should note that everyone adapts to their own mentality and environment. For us, discipline and strictness are the first priority. And for the US, there may be freedom. I listed the main differences between Kazakhstan and the USA. And now it is up to you where you will continue your education.

  1. State education development program of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2005-2010.

  2. Current state of higher education in the Republic of Kazakhstan// Vestnik vysshey-A., 2005.-S.92.

  3. OECD calls for broader access to post-school education and training". Oecd.org. September 13, 2005. Retrieved September 21, 2013.

  4. Digest of Education Statistics 2017, 53rd ed" (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on April 14, 2019. Retrieved April 14, 2019.

  5. "United States". OECD. Archived from the original on August 12, 2019. Retrieved August 27, 2019.

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