Диплом жұмысы тақырыбы Тулекбаева Айжамал Қонысбайқызы Кафедра меңгерушісі

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Кафедры Стандартизация и сертификация

Smailov Bakyt Matkarimuly
PhD Doctor in the specialty "Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances", Academician of the International Academy of Informatization, Head of the Research Laboratory "Petrochemistry and composite polymer materials" of SKU. M.Auezov.
Contact information:
The bulk №16, 113 office
Office number: 87026165043
Е- mail: mailto:Baha_uppr@mail.ru

Analysis of the quality system for the production of vibration rammers for shock absorbers with the development of documentation for personnel management of the production unit of «DDEK» LLP

Development of documentation for the management of internal audits of a production unit based on an analysis of the quality system for the production of a protective coating (corrugation) at «DDEK» LLP

Development of an organization standard for a MYBP 1-25 coupling based on an analysis of the quality system of the technological line of its production at «DDEK» LLP

Analysis of the system of interlaboratory comparisons of test results of food products in IL LLP «Turan Business Group» with the development of an organization standard for their management

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