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Alekseenko N.V., Alekssenko A.N. Naselenie Kazakhstana za 100 let [The population of Kazakhstan for 100 years]. – Ust`-Kamenogorsk, 1999. – 158 s. [in Russian]

Aristov N.A. Usuni i kyrgyzy ili kara-kyrgyzy: Ocherki istorii i byta naseleniya zapadnogo Tyan`-Shanya i issledovaniya po ego istoricheskoj geografii [Usuni and the Kyrgyz or Kara-Kyrgyz: Essays on the history and life of the population of the Western Tien Shan and research on its historical geography]. – Bishkek: Ilim, 2001. – 582 s. [in Russian]
Aubakirova Zh.S., Alekseenko A.N. Chislennost` kazakhskogo naseleniya stepnogo kraya [The number of the Kazakh population of the steppe region] // ҮІІІ Vostokovedcheskie chteniya pamyati S.G. Livshicza. Materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferenczii. – Barnaul, 2020. – 73-77 s. [in Russian]
Valikhanov Ch. Sobranie sochinenij v pyati tomakh [Collected works in five volumes]. – T.4. – Almaty: Kazakhskaya sovetskaya e`ncziklopediya, 1985. – 461 s. [in Russian]
Galuzo G.G. Agrarnye otnosheniya na yuge Kazakhstana [Agrarian relations in the South of Kazakhstan]. – Alma-Ata:Nauka, 1965. – 378 s. [in Russian]
Gaverdovskij Ya.P. Obozrenie Kirgiz-kajsaczkoj stepi [Overview of the Kirghiz-Kaisat steppe] // Istoriya Kazakhstana v russkikh istochnikakh XVI-XX vekov. – Almaty`: Dajk-Press, 2007. – 620 s. [in Russian]
Vsepoddanejshij doklad Soveta ministrov o neobkhodimosti izdaniya manifesta protiv agrarny`kh besporyadkov [The most comprehensive report of the Council of Ministers on the need to issue a manifesto against agrarian unres] // Sovet ministrov Rossijskoj imperii. 1905-1906 gg. Dokumenty` i materialy`. – Leningrad: Nauka, 1990. – 264 s. [in Russian]
Isaev A.A. Pereseleniya v russkom narodnom khozyajstve [Resettlement in the Russian national economy]. – Sankt-Peterburg: izdanie Czinzerlinga, 1891. – 47-48 s. [in Russian]
Қojgeldiev M. Alash kozgalysy [Alash movement]. – Almaty`: Sanat, 1995. – 368 b. [in Kazakh]
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ҚR OMA, 64-k, 1-t, 4440-is, 10-13 pp. [in Russian]
ҚR OMA, 369-k, 1-t, 628-is, 6-p [in Russian]
ҚR OMA, 471-k, 1-t, 5938-is, 5 p. [in Russian]
Kaziev S.Sh. Pereselencheskij vopros v naczional`noj politike Sovetskogo gosudarstva v Kazakhstane v 1920-e gody [The resettlement issue in the national policy of the Soviet state in Kazakhstan in the 1920] // Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. – #3(26). – 2014. – s. 117 [in Russian]
Krongrad G.K. Naselenie Kirgizii v poslednej treti XIX – nachale XX veka: po materialam severnykh rajonov [The population of Kyrgyzstan in the last third of the XIX – early XX century: based on the materials of the northern regions]. – Frunze, 1989. – 90 s. [in Russian]
Levshin A.I. Opisanie kirgiz-kazachikh ili kirgiz-kajsaczkikh ord i stepej [Description of Kirghiz-Cossack or Kirghiz-Kaysak hordes and steppes]. – Almaty`: Sanat, 1996. – 656 s. [in Russian]
Nam nuzhna Velikaya Rossiya! Polnoe sobranie rechej P.A. Stolypina v Gosudarstvennoj dume i Gosudarstvennom sovete. 1906-1911 gg [We need a Great Russia! The complete collection of speeches by P.A. Stolypin in the State Duma and the State Council. 1906-1911]. – Moskva: Knizhny`j klub Knigovek, 2011. – 464 s. [in Russian]
Obzor Semirechenskij oblasti 1882 g [Overview of the Semirechensk region in 1882]. – Verny, 1884. – 144 s. [in Russian]
O dobrovol`nom pereselenii sel`skikh oby`vatelej i meshhan na kazenny`e zemli i o poryadke perechisleniya licz oznachenny`kh soslovij, pereselivshikhsya v prezhnee vremya [On the voluntary relocation of rural inhabitants and burghers to state-owned lands and on the procedure for listing persons of the aforementioned estates who moved in the old time] // Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. Sobranie tret`e. – T.9. – Sankt-Peterburg, 1889. – 728 s. [in Russian]
Pervaya vseobshhaya perepis` naseleniya Rossijskoj imperii 1897 g. Turgajskaya oblasti [The first general population census of the Russian Empire in 1897, Turgay region. Book 87]. Kniga 87 / pod redakcziej N.A. Trojniczkogo. – Sankt-Peterburg, 1904. – 123 s. [in Russian]
Svod zakonov Rossijskoj imperii [The Code of Laws of the Russian Empire]. V 16 tomakh. – T.1. – Moskva, 1910. – 331 s. [in Russian]
Tynyshpaev M. Materialy po istorii kirgiz-kazakhskogo naroda [Materials on the history of the Kyrgyz-Kazakh people]. – Tashkent, 1925. – 108 s. [in Russian]

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