International University of Information Technologies
Международный университет информационных технологий
Educational practice DIARY
ДНЕВНИК по учебной практике
студент _________ Рахметов Александр Русланович ___________
(first name, patronymic) (фамилия, имя, отчество)
Major _____________6B06106 ВТиПО___________________
Supplement to the practice report
Служит путевкой на практику, обязательно прилагается к отчету
for students in educational practice
1. Educational practice as an important part of the curriculum serves to consolidate and deepen the theoretical knowledge, practical work skills in the area of students' specialization. Educational practice is compulsory alongside with the theoretical disciplines of the curriculum, except the cases specified in the Rules of the host organization.
2. Allowed to do the educational practice are students meeting the discipline prerequisite requirements.
3. Prior to start of practice a student must obtain an individual task or a group project from the practice supervisor.
4. Registration Office issues the practice program, syllabus, diary and the practice instructions.
5. To better prepare for practice, a student should get acquainted with the practice program and syllabus, the practice content, study the recommended reference books and consult the practice supervisor on practice organization and methodology.
6. Educational practice diary is filled personally by the student and verified by the signature of practice supervisor of the host enterprise (for the students practicing with enterprises). Before leaving the practice site a student must get there a reference and practice certificate.
7. Practice report is made by the student-practitioner in accordance with the practice syllabus and practice supervisor instructions.
8. At the end of practice the student must submit to the department:
• Diary
• Educational practice report
9. Educational practice report is defended by the student at the department.
10. Educational practice evaluation of the student is taken into account in consideration of state grant awards alongside with the theoretical examination results. Practice evaluation includes the results of the following examination session.
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