Экзаменационные вопросы по дисциплине «Деловой английский язык»

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түріЭкзаменационные вопросы
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1. Comment on the following problem: Should the fashion industry change their way of advertising?
2. Give description of romantic movies damaging real relationships
3. Point out some aspects of video games’ influence on kids
4. Characterize some features of how the Internet is affecting our intelligence
5. Identify which is better PC or Mac and give reasons
6. Comment on the following: Is technology making our attention span shorter?
7. State out your idea of what rules should college or high school students follow when posting to social media?
8. Describe some ways of how people can concentrate better when studying
9. Clarify some reasons of why junk food is so addictive
10. Comment on the following: Should “gifted” students receive special educational treatment?
11. Comment your ideas to the following: Should schools switch to e-books?
12. Point out some effective ways to quit smoking
13. Characterize the benefits of growing up in a large family
14. State out the idea of what makes some people able to live to be over 100
15. Comment on the following problem: What makes a person to be a good teacher/mother/doctor/artist
16. State out some effects of online dating
17. Clarify how travelling the world affects life and personality
18. Describe the influence of favorite movie/book on you
19. Point out effects of pollution
20. State out some peculiarities of Internet influence on kids
21. Talk about the given theme: “The social impact of the Internet: What does it mean?”
22. Comment on different areas of society on which newspaper hits
23. Define qualities a newspaper must have
24. Comment on the following statement: Glossy magazines are for lazy people. They steal time and energy.
25. Comment on the following statement: Buying a magazine is a waste of money.
26. Comment on the following statement: Privacy can’t be protected in the information age.
27. Comment on the following statement: Paparazzi threatens people’s privacy.
28. Comment on the following statement: Electronic media enhance political knowledge
29. Comment on the following statement: The Internet has the power to transform the culture
30. Comment on the following statement: Newspapers have an immediate effect on our behaviors and attitudes
31. Comment on the given topic: “Causes of poverty”
32. Comment on the given topic “Global warming”
33. Comment on the given topic: “A plan to improve your language”
34. Comment on the given topic : “How to stay on a diet”
35. Comment on the given topic: “Talented people”
36. Comment on the given topic: “Health Care”
37. Comment on the given topic: “Snapshot moment of a specific holiday”
38. Comment on the given topic: “What type of space is good to work”
39. Comment on the given topic :“Don’t worry about other people’s opinion”
40. Comment on the given topic: “Use every chance you get”
41. Comment on the given topic: “Tips for reaching the peak of your profession”
42. Comment on the given topic: “Women should be promoted to top jobs in business and politics before men”
43. Comment on the given topic: “The main reasons for homelessness and best ways to reduce the problem”
44. Comment on the given topic: “Why wrong people are sometimes sent to prison”
45. Comment on the given topic: “Why people keep secrets?”
46. Comment on the given topic: Are we too dependent on computers?
47. Comment on the given topic: Should teachers have to wear uniforms or have a dress code?
48. Comment on the given topic: Should student’s textbooks be replaced by notebook computers?
49. Comment on the given topic: What are 3 of the most significant news stories this year?
50. Comment on the given topic: If you could travel to 3 countries, where would you go and what would you do? 

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