№2(78)/2015 Серия педагогика

Efficiency of leadership development in teaching

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Efficiency of leadership development in teaching 
Article discuses the topicality and efficiency of leadership development quality as one of the way of teachers 
for formation to their self-development and show it as effective method to involve students in educational 
process. Author analyses European and American program for teachers leadership developing and make con-
clusion that nowadays it isn’t enough just to be educators or teachers. Teacher has to be more aim-oriented, 
goal-seeking, far-sightedness, concerned. There are the abilities to look far into the future with regard to their 
company, class, team or department. Author considers that teachers need to have external and inner self-
improvement, assessing the society changes, environmental forces and competitor activities. 
Key words: teacher development, leadership, education system, self–development, teacher leadership devel-
opment, leader, leadership development, teaching, educational activities.
century is century of high and smart technologies, nowadays everything is changed in a high pace. 
All over the world everyone tries to make step to this changes. So our country doesn’t lag in scientific and 
technical development and we work on it.
Today Kazakhstan’s government is developing in different spheres of economics, social life, culture 
and education. As Kazakhstan will become intellectual nation in the world, education is the main base of it. 
Education has a great influence in improving of social life style of individual.
Nowadays it isn’t enough just to be educators or teachers. Teacher has to be more aim-oriented, goal-
seeking, he has to think strategically, far-sightedness, concerned. There are the abilities to look far into the 
future with regard to their company, class, team or department. They need to have external and inner self-
improvement, assessing the society changes, environmental forces and competitor activities. 
Teachers as the leaders of class must bring up next generation to creating a vision and strategy keeping 
eye on horizon, creating shared culture and values etc. Many countries saw the role of leadership develop-
ment for teachers and many of them have state teacher leadership program (TLP) in the USA, EU countries 
and etc. For a long time society had acute practical needs in the study of leadership. But due to the continued 
economic development of society and, as a consequence, a change in the rhythm of life, the problem of stud-
ying leadership qualities and their development is becoming increasingly important. In this regard, a deep 
and thorough study, critical reflection of international experience would show prospects and possible barriers 
to the development of educational systems in the light of new approaches to the training and education of the 
student as a competitive leader. The present level of economic and social development of our country re-
quires experts in any field of activity of high professional level. And special attention is paid to the devel-
opment of leadership skills of teachers, as they are the foundation of any society. 
What does the word «leader» mean? We have to know more about history and origin of this word. Ac-
cording to Etymology Dictionary leader in Old English «lædere» one who leads, from «lædan» 
(see lead(v.)). As a title for the head of an authoritarian state, from 1918 (meaning «writing or statement 
meant to begin a discussion or debate» is late 13c. In modern use often short for leading article (1807) «opin-
ion piece in a British newspaper» (leader in this sense from1837) [1]. Leaders are those people whom every-
one wants to follow. As James C. Humes said an American author and former presidential speechwriter said: 
«One secret of leadership is that the mind of a leader never turns off. Leaders even when they are sightseers 
and spectators, are active; not passive observers». According to this quote we understand that leaders can’t 
stand off, they have own point of view and as a strategic thinker they can find the point of problem to solve it 
carefully. Leaders are that people who always act and involved in all events. They always show their ability 
to help and develop personal qualities lifelong. As we are teachers we thought that we are born to be lead-
ers, because we lead our students to learn and investigate new world of education. But in real situation it is 
far from it.
So how do we understand the meaning of ‘leadership’? According to «Business dictionary» by WebFi-
nance, Inc. internet company with experience in developing and managing educational websites leadership 
has many definitions as follows: 

Вестник Карагандинского университета 
1. The individuals who are the leaders in an organization, regarded collectively. 
2. The activity of leading a group of people or an organization or the ability to do this. 
Leadership involves: 
1. establishing a clear vision; 
a) Sharing that vision with others so that they will follow willingly; 
b) Providing the information, knowledge and methods to realize that vision; 
c) Coordinating and balancing the conflicting interests of all members and stake holders. 
A leader steps up in times of crisis, and is able to think and act creatively in difficult situations. 
management, leadership cannot be taught, although it may be learned and enhanced 
through coaching or mentoring. Someone with great leadership skills today is Bill Gates who, despite early 
failures, with continued passion and innovation has driven Microsoft and the soft ware industry to success. 
3. The act of inspiring subordinates to perform and be engaged in achieving a goal [2].
Leadership is concerned with overall alignment of vision, goals, values and culture. Leadership skills 
include to be highly influential, both external and internally. Leaders are people who can define future vision 
in way that people work. They need to be looking at the future, with one eye on the current position and be 
able to mentally conduct a constant gap analysis of the future [3; 3–6].
According to «The free dictionary by Farlex «The word «teaching» can bring to mind a variety of im-
ages. For example:
1. The act, practice, occupation, or profession of a teacher; 
2. a) something taught; b)often teachings: a precept or doctrine; 
3. Of, involving, or used for teaching; 
4. Working as a teacher or in teaching. 
Teachers can find a wealth of opportunities to extend their influence beyond their own classrooms to 
their teaching teams, schools, and districts. In every good school, there are teachers whose vision extends 
beyond their own classrooms — even beyond their own teams or departments. Such teachers recognize that 
students' school experiences depend not only on interaction with individual teachers, but also on the complex 
systems in place throughout the school and district. This awareness prompts these teachers to want to influ-
ence change. They experience professional restlessness — what some have called the «leadership itch». 
Sometimes on their own initiative and sometimes within a more formal structure, these professionals find a 
variety of ways to exercise teacher leadership [4; 14–19]. 
Based on the analysed material about teaching leadership refer to following we can make definition of
it: Knowledge, skills and dispositions demonstrated by teachers who positively impact student learning by 
influencing adults, formally and informally, beyond individual classrooms [5; 1–3]. The model shown in 
table is adapted from the model by John Kotter of Harvard Business School in article ”What leaders really 
do” written for Harward Bussiness review in 1990. Taking main headings from the Kotter model,the main 
differences have been detailed in the following context (Table). 
T a b l e

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