Abai Kazakh national pedagogical university хабаршы «Арнайы педагогика» сериясы, Серия «Специальная педагогика»

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One of the reasons that communication technology is an advanced learning technology is 
that learning a foreign language is done through speaking in a foreign language, and here we can see the 
commonality and specificity between language and speech. Language is a systematic set of formed language 

ВЕСТНИК КазНПУ им. Абая, серия «Специальная педагогика», №1(64), 2021 г. 
forms, and speech is a psychological, social, mental, and cultural phenomenon. This shows that we should 
move away from structuralizing principle in teaching language to the linguistic and cultural, 
anthropocentricism principle. 
Language is not only a system of grammatical structures, that is, it consists not only of linguistic factors, 
but also of extralinguistic factors. In other words, the language of a particular nation is the soul of that nation. 
And a person who speaks a foreign language should not only know such parts of speech as phonetics, 
vocabulary, word formation, grammar, but also be in harmony with the thinking of people who speak this 
language. If the first is realized and later postponed, then a person may find himself in conflict with the 
external environment when he uses a foreign language in the life breath. 
In the process of developing linguistic and cultural competence, the following qualities are formed and 
developed in the language learner: the knowledge of another culture, the qualities of tolerance are acquired, 
and the attitude changes. To the structural and functional foundations of linguistic and cultural competencies 
include: cultural linguistic, metacognitive, metalinguistic, socio-cultural and communicative aspects. The 
first communicative layer of the language layer, the household level and other linguistic and cultural layers 
of the studied language are mastered sequentially. The linguocultural aspect, which has been rapidly 
developing in linguistics in recent years, is an urgent problem of modern linguistics. 
When teaching a foreign language, it is important not only to use traditional methods and technologies, 
but also to use communication technologies that increase the interest of language learners. It should be noted 
that the improvement of linguistic and cultural competence through communication technologies is a key 
aspect of language learning. 
Language is in contact with thought, nation, and culture. The other side of this question is that a person 
studying a foreign language should perceive and study the culture of this country together. Language does 
not exist outside of culture, cognition, and mentality. It is always reflected in these aspects. 
Most teachers understand new technologies primarily as active teaching methods. Answering the 
question about what technologies, forms and methods are used mainly in the classroom, the vast majority of 
teachers prefer: role-playing and business games, discussions, projects. Despite its widespread use, the 
number of teachers using digital technologies in the learning process is small. 
Nevertheless, from the point of view of the theory that plays an important role in the formation of 
foreign language competence in general and cross-cultural competence, along with personality-oriented, 
problem-based and developmental learning, computer learning was noted as a priority. That is, teachers are 
aware of the importance of using digital technologies, but point to the following reasons for their 
unsystematic use: lack of technical means (language laboratories equipped with appropriate educational 
programs), insufficient awareness of teachers about new pedagogical technologies, unwillingness to "follow" 
the flow of time, and the combination of traditional forms and methods of teaching with innovative methods. 
The formation of cross-cultural communicative competence of students allows us to draw the following 
- in the process of teaching a foreign language, insufficient attention is paid to the socio-linguistic and 
cultural knowledge and strategic skills of students; 
- insufficient use by teachers along with traditional innovative forms, methods and tools; 
The lack of cross-cultural education, due to the successful construction of cross-cultural communication, 
indicates the need for the formation of cross-cultural communicative competence of students using digital 
technologies [4, 366-367]. 
Therefore, we come to the conclusion that both a foreign language teacher and students should not 
forget about the mandatory formation of linguistic and cultural competence. To form the linguistic and 
cultural competence of the student in the lesson, it is necessary to use various additional materials (video, 
audio, books, presentations) that inform about the culture of the language being studied [5, 282]. 
Concluding our research work today, we noted the importance of improving the linguistic and cultural 
competence of the language learner through communication technologies in teaching a foreign language. 
Given that any language has a cultural code, a linguistic picture of the world, an important aspect is the joint 
teaching of the language learner to the culture of this language through communication. As you know, in the 
modern era of globalization, intercultural communication, tolerance, linguistic and cultural competence are 
the main criteria responsible for the quality of work of foreign language specialists. The communicative 
technology of language teaching is implemented by working with adapted texts prepared in advance for the 

Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің ХАБАРШЫСЫ, «Арнайы педагогика» сериясы №1(64),2021 ж. 
language learner, based on the age, level and personality of the language learner, using these texts and 
dialects in the spoken language. In turn, these visual materials should be combined with the principles of the 
connectedness of learning with life, scientific, educational, realistic, etc. 
1 Lysenko N.K. The concept, content and structure of the linguocultural competence of the future 
teacher of a foreign language // BҚMU Habarshysy. Ser. ped. - 2019. - Vol. 1. No. 73. – B. 152-163. 
2 Kovaleva Yu. Linguocultural component of the content of foreign language training of students of a 
technical university // "Young Scientist" 2010. No. 4 (15). – S. 342-346. 
3 Podgorbunskikh A.A. The content of the concept of "linguocultural competence of university students" 
// Bulletin of SUSU. Series “Education. Pedagogical Sciences ". - 2011. - T. 14. No. 38. – S. 100-103. 
4 Razdobarova M.N., Kalinichenko E.B., Zakharova S.A., Ivanova L.M., Lanina A.V. Analysis of the 
level of formation of intercultural communicative competence of students of non-linguistic higher 
educational institutions // Uchenye zapiski universiteta im. P.F. Lesgaft. 2020. No. 3 (181). S. 362-367. 
5 Glushakova I.V. Formation of linguocultural competence in teaching a foreign language // In the 
collection: Strategy and tactics of training a modern teacher in the context of the dialogue space of 
education. collection of scientific articles. 2019. – S. 280-283. 

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