Abai Kazakh national pedagogical university хабаршы «Арнайы педагогика» сериясы, Серия «Специальная педагогика»

is that the material in them is compactly transmitted to the students in the desired sequence; without

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is that the material in them is compactly transmitted to the students in the desired sequence; without 
unnecessary information, everything "works"to achieve the goals and objectives of a particular 
lesson, unlike ready-made films and slides. In addition, the presentation material will be clearly 
calculated in time, informative and lexical. 
In addition to computer programs, to increase the motivation of students, many teachers use the Internet, 
which allows you to additionally include such an important element of learning as interest in the subject being 
studied. The formation of learning motivation or interest is one of the most difficult elements of the educational 
process. In this case, using the popularity of the Internet in the student environment, this can be done by very 
simple means. Multimedia Internet resources in which the main information is presented in the form of 
multimedia. This is a modern and very convenient mechanism that does not replace the performance of classic 
services, complements and expands the range of services and opportunities for all visitors. Multimedia Internet 
resources are characterized by: various types of information (not only text, but also sound, graphics, animation, 
video, etc.), a high degree of clarity of materials, originality of materials, fascination, independence, quick 
feedback. Currently, a methodology for teaching a foreign language using the Internet is being developed. 
There are supporters of the ideas of learning a language not only through the Internet, but also adherents of 
traditional work with a textbook. But most English teachers prefer to use the Internet along with traditional 
teaching tools, integrating it into the learning process. The simplest use of the Internet − this is the use of it for 
both the teacher and the student when studying, repeating, fixing or controlling a topic, or as a source of 
additional materials and exercises. Som Internet resources used in the lesson: 
designed to train your writing skills, namely at the C-1 level. The step-by-step 
instructions contain a sample of writing a personal and business letter with recommendations. 
Essay Maphttp://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/student-interactives/essay-30063.html
created for training writing skills, namely at the C2 level-there are essay sections. Contains ready-made 
drawings for writing work with step-by-step instructions. 
The web service is designed to support the learning process through interactive 
applications. The goal is to collect interactive blocks and make them publicly available. Each teacher can use 
this or that module to solve specific problems in their subject area. 
the site is designed to study stable phrases and phrasal verbs of the 
English language. Examples of use in oral and written speech in various situations, words and phrases, 
idioms are given. 
the site is intended for learning English. Necessary for learning 
English-grammatical definitions, tests, a dictionary of stable phrases and proverbs, sayings, poems, and 
much more. Teachers can clearly see the effectiveness of multimedia Internet resources if they use these sites 
in the practice of teaching. 
Analyzing the results of the research, we can note the importance of using multimedia tools in higher 
education institutions and schools in the process of teaching a foreign language as follows: 

Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің ХАБАРШЫСЫ, «Арнайы педагогика» сериясы №1(64),2021 ж. 
- enriches the learning process, as it has a significant linguodidactic potential, compensates for the lack 
of a natural foreign language environment and at the same time avoids negative psychological situations that 
are directly characteristic of the conditions of intercultural communication; 
- the use of various means of multimedia technologies expands the capabilities of teachers, greatly 
simplifies their work, optimizes the teaching of foreign languages and makes it possible to make this process 
more interesting and informative; 
- multimedia programs simultaneously stimulate several channels of perception of the student and keep 
his attention, help to reduce fatigue; 
- multimedia tools allow you to teach different types of speech activity, form linguistic abilities and 
create communicative situations; 
- with the help of multimedia tools, students can memorize new lexical units, since the phrase in a 
foreign language is directly related not to the Kazakh translation, but to the activity observed on the 
The essence of multimedia is to stimulate students ' interest in learning a foreign language, which 
involves mastering a certain amount of knowledge and practical application of the knowledge obtained by 
solving one or more tasks [12; 74]. 
Given the above, we can conclude that multimedia learning technologies have great advantages over 
traditional teaching methods. They allow you to teach different types of speech activity and combine them in 
different combinations; help to create communicative situations, automate language and speech activities; 
contribute to the implementation of the individual approach of the student and the intensification of 
independent work. Modern trends in teaching foreign languages are associated with a radical change in the 
methodological paradigm, as well as with the technical and technological renewal of the learning process, 
which is expressed in the mass use of new teaching tools, primarily multimedia computer programs. With 
the development of computer technology and the Internet, new ways and opportunities for obtaining 
knowledge have opened up. The latest achievements in the field of high technologies open up wide 
opportunities for teachers of a foreign language to further improve the educational process and transfer it to a 
qualitatively new basis. The prospects for the successful application of modern information technologies in 
education are manifested in the software and methodological support of the material base, as well as the 
professional development of the teaching staff. Today, multimedia technologies are one of the most 
promising areas of informatization of the educational process. 
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ВЕСТНИК КазНПУ им. Абая, серия «Специальная педагогика», №1(64), 2021 г. 
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Соболева А.В

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