Английский язык. 11 класс (О. В. Афанасьева и др.)

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No. 19. Exercise 7. Listen to the text about Mother Teresa and choose 
the right items in the statements in the Student’s book.
Mother Teresa
She arrived in Calcut ta on December 1, 1948. She had five rupees – 
worth less than a dollar – in her pocket. The terrible smell of poverty 
hit her in the face. She made her way around huge piles of waste. She 
watched the children playing among them, the rats running back and 
forth, the beggars looking for food.
Faced with the filth, the sickness, the hunger, the numbers of people 
lying in the streets, where would she begin?
She began with the children. She found an open spot between the 
huts, took a stick and began to trace the Bengali letters on a patch of 
earth. One by one, the slum children came to see what she was doing. 
At first there were only a few, but in no time there were about thirty 
children. She began to teach them about cleanliness. Before she began the 
alphabet lesson each day, she washed them with soap and water. What a 
strange experience it was for them! They had hardly ever washed. Most 
of them had never even seen a piece of soap.

Some of Sister Teresa’s old friends heard about what she was doing 
and came to see her. They brought things for the school with them –
paper, chairs and bars of soap, which Sister Teresa gave to the children 
as prizes. She managed to get some milk, too. It was just enough to give 
the children at lunchtime.
After school was over for the day, she went around the place to help 
the sick and the poor. Someone gave her some medical supplies so she 
could open a dispensary – a place to work with the sick, to give out 
medicine. She cleaned the sick and cared for them using the knowledge 
she had got at St. Mary’s and pure common sense as well. Sometimes she 
begged for scraps of food at the door of the church so she could feed 
one or two starving people.
But for every beggar who drank the water she brought there were 
thousands more who were thirsty. For every starving man who received 
food from her, there were dozens more at her feet who held their hands 
up for something. For every child she taught, there were untold numbers 
who would never learn to read and write. Sister Teresa was determined 
and didn’t want to stop. If she couldn’t help the thousands, she would 
help at least one person.
Help came from friends and former pupils. She was joined by Sister 
Agnes, Sister Gertrude, Sister Bernard, and Sister Frederick...
They lived like the poor and worked from morning to night. They 
called themselves the Missionaries of Charity, and from that time on 
Sister Teresa began to be called Mother.

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