Английский язык для экономистов

Переведите на русский язык предложения со словом

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15. Переведите на русский язык предложения со словом по.

1. Transfer payments are the payments for which no direct economic ser­vice is provided in return (в ответ).

2. No workers means no output.
3. A mother may work very hard caring for her children but she receives no wages for her work.
4. Closed economy is an economic abstraction used to analyze a country with no relationship with the rest of the world.
5. Because no two jobs and no two persons are the same, to find a job is not always easy.
6. No economy relies entirely on command.

Part 2

1. Прочитайте незнакомые слова перед прослушиванием текста.

give a hand with something – помочь с чем-либо

receipt – чек
carbohydrates – углеводы
picky – разборчивый, требовательный
groceries – продовольственные товары

2. Прослушайте текст «Grocery Shopping» (для прослушивания кликните один раз на приведенную ниже ссылку, удерживая клавишу «Ctrl», после загрузки страницы нажмите на кнопку проигрывателя).
Ссылка для прослушивания:

3. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. Why did the man buy dog food at the supermarket?

A. Their dog was hit by a truck and needed special food to recover

B. The man adopts a dog from a stranger, and they don't have food for it
C. The product was on sale at the supermarket for that day only

2. Why does he buy tomato juice?

A. He plans on making a unique spaghetti sauce
B. He's trying to modify the way he eats
C. He wants to make a vegetable drink

3. How much was the milk?

A. $2.05
B. $2.15
C. $2.50

4. Which item did the man NOT buy?

A. a package of cookies
B. some cans of tuna
C. a carton of orange juice

5. Why does the woman get upset at the end of the conversation?

A. The man is preparing the steaks for the dog
B. The man only bought one steak for himself
C. The grill can't be used to cook the steaks

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