Английский язык для экономистов

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Tom Wilson

Electronics ltd.
12 South Street,
Sheffield, UK

Dear Mr. Wilson,

As you know, I am very happy to work and contribute to Electronics ltd. under your authority.
Allow me to mention an opportunity I see for greater profits.
I'm confident that you will agree that my efforts as your salesman have been successful to the company; my sales in dollars for the past year were roughly $425,000, which far surpassed the $250,000 goal we anticipated at our year-end meeting twelve months ago.
I would like you to know that I believe I can be of even more benefit to you and Electronics ltd. as your Sales Manager.
Having had four years of experience in selling our computer software, I have gained a clear idea as to what our customers' needs are and how we can meet them. I know how we can increase sales dramatically and I can inspire our sales team to do precisely that. As your Sales Manager, I truly believe that we can achieve in excess of $10,000,000 in sales by the year 2012.
I understand that you are a very busy person. I will thus be delighted to meet with you at any time you please to discuss my request.


Dave Watkins

Unit 2
Part 1
Грамматика и лексика:
1. Конструкция «сложное дополнение»
2. Значение слова due и сочетаний с ним
3. Значения слова which
Задание на дом

1. В разделе «Грамматические материалы» проработайте § 20 и 21.

2. Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения, обращая внимание на конструкцию «сложное дополнение».

a) 1. We know many newly industrialized countries to have weak trade unions.
2. The developing countries want the rich countries to stop imposing tariffs on imports from the Third World.
3. Economists consider land to be the factor of production supplied by nature.
4. As the prices of fuels rise, we expect their production to expand.
5. Some businessmen think trade union regulations to result in fewer jobs.
b) 1. A rise in the price of a unit of labour will make the firm start using a more capital-intensive technology (капиталоемкая технология).
2. Higher prices for oil make research laboratories work at substitutes for oil.
3. The command economy does not let an individual make free economic decisions.
4. Increased output per worker in agriculture lets more workers be transferred from agriculture to industry.
5. Allocation of additional capital lets a high level of production be maintained with fewer workers.

3. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на слово due и сочетания с ним.

1. The growth of labour force due to growing numbers of women workers results in higher unemployment.
2. The increase in the value of fuel exports was due mainly to the rise in oil prices after 1973.
3. The Prime Minister says due steps will immediately be taken in order to control inflation.
4. Economists believe that all governments will pay due attention to economic problems caused by growing scarcity of natural resources.
5. Due to a wage increase, more capital-intensive technologies may become substitutes for labour.
4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на то, что слово which относится ко всему предыдущему предложению и переводится словом что.

1. Employment among young men is very low in Germany, which is due to the government's subsidies for education.
2. The government did not pay due attention to the economists' recommendations, which led to lower economic growth.
3. Some economists expect world population to reach 12–13 billion as soon as 2020–2025, which will require much more non-renewable resources than at present.
4. The consumer incomes have risen, which has resulted in lower demand for inferior goods.
5. Under conditions of food shortage a government might impose a price ceiling on food, which will let poor people buy adequate quantities of food.

5. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

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