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Pia: Well, I worked in the offices of my mother's company when I left university. John

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  • John
Pia: Well, I worked in the offices of my mother's company when I left university.
John: And what sort of company does your mother run?
Pia: It's a caterers. She does the catering for weddings, graduations, funerals, that type of thing.
John: And how long did you work there for?
Pia: About a year or so. They put me on the phones and I was also responsible for all the advertising and our leaflets, business cards and the website.
John: So you didn't do any of the cooking?
Pia: No ...they kept me a long way from the kitchen.
John: So what did you do after that?
Pia: Well, I traveled for a little while, mostly in Europe and a little in South America.
John: How long did you go traveling for?
Pia: Oh, it wasn't too long. Maybe about six months. I had a job that was going to start at the end of the year so I had about six months free, so I thought "why not?".
John: Did you have any problems with the languages where you went?
Pia: Not really. I speak Italian and Spanish quite well....
John: Oh yes, it's written here on your resume, isn't it? How long have you been studying those languages?
Pia: Well, my father is Italian so I am fluent in Italian. I have studied Spanish for about seven years so I can get by pretty well in that too.
John: Actually, we do have a lot of business with Sicily so your Italian could be really important.
Pia: I would really like the chance to use my Italian for work.
John: What did you do when you came back from your travels?
Pia: Well, as I said before, I already had another job lined up and that was in a small shoe company just outside town.
John: Err...Bradley Footwear, it's called, isn't it?
Pia: Bradford Footwear.
John: Ah yes, here it is. It says here you worked in their sales department. How long did you do that for?

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