Атты Халықаралық ғылыми-əдістемелік конференция материалдары

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Ключевыесловамифoним, лошадь, верблюд, баран, корова, и т.д.


The life of the nomadic Kazakh was unthinkable without animals, it was something united, 

inextricably linked. According to the Kazakhs’ ideas, horse, camel, sheep, cow make up four corners 

of the world, four elements, four directions. These four types of livestock were the main and main 

source of existence and residence of the Kazakh people. Each kind of animal had its origin and 

supernatural abilities. Since ancient times, it is known that Kazakhs gave names to four kinds of 

animal-progenitors, who were called: Khambar Ata (patron of Horses), Zengi Baba (patron of 

Cows), Oisyl Kara (patron of Camels) and Chopan Ata (patron of Sheep). It is connected with this 

in the article the characteristic of the term “төрт түлік” is given and myths are considered on the 

example of folklore texts. Particular attention is paid to the comparison of some myths in Kazakh 

legends, the features of their functioning are analyzed, and elements of linguocultural features of 

personal names are established.

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