Атты III халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция жинағЫ


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The multi-layered personality of a successful entrepreneur can be shown with four 
entrepreneur‘s skills (Čargan F., 2008): 

To dream – they need to dream and have a vision; 

To dare – they must dare to make their vision a reality; 

To do – they need to know how to do what‘s necessary to make their vision a reality; 

To delegate – they need to know how to delegate what they cannot do on their own 
In order for the Entrepreneur to begin their business they need a concept that they can later 
develop into a business idea. The environment in which we work is the most import source of 
business ideas. If we already have a business another important source of ideas are our 
employees. Outside our business an important source of ideas is the networking performed 
outside our working hours. It is important for an entrepreneur to spend time in an environment 
that is full of inspirations and new ideas. Therefore it is important for the entrepreneur to take 
part in social events, business exhibitions and additional training seminars. Another important 
source of business ideas are also the buyers and suppliers.
A training company is a learning method where students in the economic technician programme 
put to practical use their knowledge of professional modules, languages, computer skills… It 
therefore uses the method of experiential learning. Work in a training company takes place in 
the same way it would in a normal company. That way the students gain a lot of practical 
knowledge which they can use when taking part in an internship in real companies. The 
acquired knowledge also helps them when seeking employment, as an economic technician can 
work in more than 400 different jobs. 
The training company does its business in a specialised classroom, equipped like an ordinary 
office with all of the required information communication technology, such as computers, 
printers, copiers, phones… The tables are placed in such a way that students employed in the 
training company can be divided into different departments. The classroom also contains a 
space with a large oval table, intended to be used for business meetings. Each training company 
contains a maximum of 16 students. At the beginning of the school year students begin thinking 
about their business idea. They use the brain storming method to come up with their business 
idea. When they select their idea they begin thinking of the company‘s name, slogan and legal-
organizational structure. They mostly choose a limited liability company. After that comes the 
founding process. Students write a company contract and register at the Central office for 
training companies. This provides them with a VAT number, tax number and IBAN number. 
After that they decide on the structure of their company, meaning that they decide which 
departments they will have in their company. These include marketing, accounting, secretariat, 
purchasing and human resources. Each department has its department head, the rest are policy 
officers. The company also has its director. 
The work in each particular department works like this: 

In human resources the first thing they do is make a listing for job openings, determine 
the required education and decide on the duties for each of them. Then they make a selection of 
possible candidates and interview them. They use the Central office for training companies to 
register them for the pension, disability and health insurance, 

In the secretariat they are responsible for the business correspondence, keep track of 
received and outgoing mail, prepare documents for business travel trips, keep business contacts 
in order, prepare invitations for business meetings and write meeting‘s agenda, 

In accounting they keep companies inventory, run accounting ledgers, calculate salaries, 
calculate VAT, keep track of business events, process travel expenses, pay bills through a 
simulation of electronic banking and calculate the company‘s financial balance, 

In the sales department they plan sales, compose the company‘s offers, send out invoices 
and receipts, deal with customer complaints and calculate the sales revenue. 

In purchasing they form the inquiries, choose the best suppliers, fill up order bills, keep 
track of the purchasing and keep up the necessary log for the suppliers, 

In marketing they design and update the company‘s look, design sales catalogues, 
provide and monitor special sales, maintain contact with the media and sponsors, take part in 

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