Music and poetic art of the Kazakh nation: song-letters from the military frontБайланысты: 3-106-2015-1-chastMusic and poetic art of the Kazakh nation: song-letters from the military front
The article describes one of the genres of Kazakh folk music and poetic art - song-letters (hat-olen shygharma
olen), originated during the Great Patriotic War. The definition of the gender borders of the song-letters from the
military fronts is provided by presenting the historical roots of this type of the music-poetic heritage.
The paper notes the specifics of the song-letters from the military front ob the basis of distinguishing the substan-
tial and formal components. As a result, the song-letters from the military front are presented as a rich historic-cul-
tural material clarifying the representation of the system of values of the nation, its mental peculiarities and artistic
Key words: genre, song-letter, music and poetic art.
Поступила в редакцию 28.11.2014.
ӘОЖ 94(574); 902(4)9
Л.Н.Гумилев атындағы ЕҰУ аға оқытушысы, PhD докторы
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