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Сборник студ конф 22-23г

dark horse
» means 
a person who keeps their interests and ideas secret, especially someone who has a surprising ability 
or skill. In addition, expression «
to talk the hind legs off a donkey
» is used to describe a person 
who talks too much. And this zoonym is not found in the Kazakh language at all. The main reason for 
these similarities and differences is the cultural and historical heritage of the English and Kazakh 
people, as well as their geographical location and nature. 
When analyzing the changing meaning of zoonym words, the lexicographical problem of these 
words creates a special problem. because zoonym is used in the language in two lexico-semantic 
directions (animal name and comparing a person with an animal name). But these two are not found 
in the same dictionaries. As a rule, only metaphorical meanings are used, which are frequently used, 
and have become stable similes. In this case, these meanings are clarified and give a constantly 
changing meaning of the zoonym. In both languages, there are similes that are not found in the 
dictionary, but are used colloquially. For example, in spoken English, «
to be a rat
» used to describe 
a person who deserts his friends or associates, especially in times of trouble. Someone who is not 
loyal. If we focus on similar comparisons in the Kazakh language - «
түлкідей қу» (as sly as a fox

is a person who is very cunning or dishonest. 
Each nation has its own sacred animal, its own totem. They turn to him for help, ask for 
protection, protect their home with the help of totem amulets. Animals become symbols of the country, 
they are believed in, they are worshipped. Animals are an integral part of the religion of every nation. 
Once in the same territory, people of different nationalities seek to establish a peaceful coexistence, 
studying and understanding the language, culture, way of life and customs. According to Chanysheva, 
“unlike culture, the sphere of relations between language and ethnicity initially includes a constant 
acting factor, since the people, who found themselves in a certain climate, had to adapt to it in a given 
territory, while at the same time adapting nature to themselves” [2;16 р]. We proposed for 
consideration twelve animal-zoonym names: "wolf", "hare", "cow", "cat", "mouse", "lion", "fox", 
"horse", "monkey", "sheep", "pig", "dog" [3;38 р]. The considered zoonyms are special units of speech 
and are among those of its components, the national and cultural conditionality of semantics is 
especially pronounced. Names of this type have already attracted attention in the human sciences. For 
instance, a pig is a physically or morally unscrupulous person for representatives of all diasporas, 
a hardworking, hardy and flexible horse for Europeans and for Asians and people of Caucasian 
nationality - pride, beauty, pressure, etc. 
The king of animals is a lion. Its appearance, attractive and rough mane that looks like a 
his regal look, staring proudly — these all show importance, finery, presentability and confidence 
inherent to the king. Characteristics of human beings, such as solemnity, strength, restraint, finery, 
reliability are expressed through a lion's image. When we compare a person to a lion, we see his 
dreadfulness and courage. When a person is compared to an old lion, we understand that it is a wise 
elder with thoughts to share with younger generation and show an example. 
Dreadful like a lion, 
brave like a lion, to have a lion's heart 
comparisons in the language describe dreadful, brave, 
proud, imperious characteristics of the person. 
Along with calling a tiger «sheri», the Kazakhs called it «black ear» too. Among the population: 
«when the tiger approaches, you give voice and say «black ear», a dangerous predator will not 
hurt and leave» such legend proves it [4; 265 р], said A. Akhmetov noting that the tiger's name is 
included in taboo words of Kazakh people. Such comparisons as 
to behave heinously like a tiger, 
strong like a tiger, to become furious like a tiger, to bend like a tiger, noble like tiger, to shoot ahead 
like a tiger, to rip apart like a tiger 
in tiger's appearance, movements, powerfulness in the voice are 
compared to human qualities. 
Proverbs and sayings reflect the cultural heritage and cultural realities of any ethnic group in 

their historical development, they can be considered a reliable source of people's lives. Proverbs and 
sayings of different nations are usually similar. Their identity is characteristic "for peoples who are 
related in language, close to ge graphically and connected by a common cultural and historical 
The life of an ethnic group is influenced by various conditions, mainly natural and climatic, 
which include climate, spatial distribution of people, flora and fauna, etc. Proverbs and sayings 
associated with the names of animals are organically woven into the life of any nation. They realize 
both the national image of the world and the linguistic national image of the world. 
Animal expressions are very common in the English language too. Like most languages, in 
English animals describing people’s personalities are used in many idiomatic expressions. For 
instance, if someone is 
it means they are shy, nervous, and have no confidence. If 
someone is 
it means they are afraid. In addition
, “Eager beaver” 
is a person who is excited 
about doing certain work, 
is a person who does the same thing as someone else. 
“A dark 
” is a person who keeps their interests and ideas secret, especially someone who has a surprising 
ability or skill. 
“To be a rat”- 
this negative noun is used to describe a person who deserts his friends 
or associates, especially in times of trouble or someone who is not loyal
. “Eye of the tiger”– 
determined, very driven toward a specific goal, to the extent that they almost think of nothing else

, If “cold fish” 
is someone who has very little emotions, who is regarded as hard-
hearted and unfeeling, 
“A big fish in a small pond” 
means a person who is in control and can do as 
they please. Likewise, 
“lone wolf” 
is someone who prefers his own company and does not like 
Top dog 
is the person who is usually the most important or somebody in the highest 
So, the variable meanings of zoonyms in the Kazakh language are more than in the English 
language. That is, in the Kazakh language, equating a person with the name of an animal is more 
common. It can be seen from this that the Kazakh people attach great importance to animals and 
describe them in different ways. 
As the results of the analysis made in the article show, each language has its own variable 
meaning system, which is not found in other languages. The use of figurative language plays an 
important role in intercultural communication and translation. The use of figurative words helps the 
translator to understand the first semantics of the word, its semantic structure, ethnographic and 
cultural background. 

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