Бұл Қмж ust kz сайтында жасалынған. «Ustaz tilegi» ғылыми-әдістемелік орталығының сайтынының Қмж бөлімінде кез-келген пән, кез-келген сынып бойынша Қмж және презентацияны жүктеп ала аласыз. Ол үшін сілтеме арқылы өтіңіз

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7 grade 3rd term

Part of the lesson/Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity



Beginning of the lesson

3 min.

Organization moment:
Ask about the weather.

The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere
Efficiency: By telling the wishes they show their appreciations .

At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss. «The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like:
“Good job!
Well done!”

CD player

«Brainstorming» method

5 min.

T brings posters of different films and put them on the board.
Asks “Which film would you like to see and why?”
In differentiation part «My choice» method was used to check up student’s vocabulary knowledge and speaking

After that T introduces the aim and theme of the lesson.

Ss Look at posters.
Choose one film and explain their choice.
Aim: make them involved to the lesson.
Efficiency: Ss refresh their mind before starting new theme.

-can make a choice
-can explain their thoughts
Total: 1point

Praise Ss who has more cards and could name the cards.



Student’s book

Middle of the lesson
Presentation part.
8 min.

«Word list» method is used to open up the theme of the lesson. T asks to Ss to look at the new words from exercise 5 on page 65. T asks to complete the sentences with correct word.

Ss write down new words.
Complete the sentences with suitable words.

-use new vocabulaty
-complete the sentences
Total: 1point

Student’s Book

«Read and check»
T asks Ss to compare their answers with other teams.

Ss take their copybooks walk around the class
Compare works with others
Correct mistakes if they have.

T praise active Ss with phrases such as: “Good job!
Well done!” “One more time, please”

Student’s book Poster

6 min.

T presents key words of the lesson. Practice the pronunciation and intonation.
T asks Ss to look at exercise 6 on page 65.
T explains how to use them in everyday speech.
T gives the task to make up a dialogue like in example.
Aim: practice speaking
To develop Ss critical thinking skills and speaking skills
Differentiation: «Change the pair» game is used to develop their speaking and listening skills.

Ss write down key phrases and practice intonation.
Look through the example of the dialogue.
Make up their own dialogue.
Practice it in pairs.

-cooperate as a pair
-can use key pharses
-make up dialogue
Total: 1point

Student’s book Poster

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