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khamraeva sha strategii perevoda menasivnykh rechevykh aktov

Chief among those today, of course, is Russia.

In a recent speech President Putin said that while the interests of states do not always coincide, strategic gains cannot be made at the expense of others. When a state fails to observe universal rules of conduct and pursues its interests at any cost, it will provoke resistance and disputes will become unpredictable and dangerous.

I say to President Putin, I agree. But it is Russia’s actions which threaten the international order on which we all depend. I want to be clear about the scale and nature of these actions. Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea was the first time since the Second World War that one sovereign nation has forcibly taken territory from another in Europe. Since then, Russia has fomented conflict in theDonbas, repeatedly violated the national airspace of several Europeancountries, and mounted a sustained campaign of cyber espionage anddisruption. This has included meddling in elections, and hacking theDanish Ministry of Defence and the Bundestag, among many others.

It is seeking to weaponise information. Deploying its state-run mediaorganisations to plant fake stories and photo-shopped images in anattempt to sow discord in the West and undermine our institutions.

So I have a very simple message for Russia.

We know what you are doing. And you will not succeed. Because youunderestimate the resilience of our democracies, the enduring attractionof free and open societies, and the commitment of Western nations tothe alliances that bind us.

The UK will do what is necessary to protect ourselves, and work with our allies to do likewise.That is why we are driving reform of NATO so this vital alliance is betterable to deter and counter hostile Russian activity. It is why we havestepped up our military and economic support to Ukraine.It is why we are strengthening our cyber security and looking at how wetighten our financial regimes to ensure the profits of corruption cannotflow from Russia into the UK.

So we will take the necessary actions to counter Russian activity.Butthis is not where we want to be – and not the relationship with Russia wewant. We do not want to return to the Cold War, or to be in a state of perpetualconfrontation.So whilst we must beware, we also want to engage – which is why in thecoming months the Foreign Secretary will be visiting Moscow.

For there is another way.

Many of us here looked at a post-Soviet Russia with hope. Because we know that a strong and prosperous Russia which plays bythe rules would be in the interests of the United Kingdom, Europe andtheworld.As a Permanent Member of the UN Security Council, Russia has thereach and the responsibility to play a vital role in promoting internationalstability.

Russia can, and I hope one day will, choose this different path.But for as long as Russia does not, we will act together to protect ourinterests and the international order on which they depend” [201].

Перевод текста на русский язык:

«…Мы должны начать с укрепления наших общих целей, единства всех партнеров и союзников, вместе с которыми мы создали этот мировой порядок, а также их заинтересованности и вовлеченности. Основой для этого должна стать стабильность нашеготрансатлантического союза и наших отношений с европейскими партнерами. Кроме того, роль США в формировании мирового порядка сегодня важна как никогда.

Конечно, трудно ожидать, что позиции наших стран всегда и вовсем будут совпадать. Но в основе нашего союза лежит общность ценностей и целей наших народов, которая существовала на протяжении многих поколений и которую мы должны сохранить сейчас. То же действительно и в отношении связей с европейскими странами, несмотря на наш выход из Европейского Союза. Мы не перестали также быть европейской страной – у нас общая история, наши общества основаны на общих ценностях, наши экономики зависят друг от друга, а наша безопасность неделима. В своей речи во Флоренции я уже говорила, что Великобритания по-прежнему твердо намерена исполнять все свои обязательства по поддержанию безопасности в Европе. Мы стремимся к новому экономическому партнерству, которое будет идти в унисон общему стремлению к открытости экономики и свободе общества, несмотря на усилия тех, кто хотел бы подорвать эти ценности.

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