Х. ДосмҰхамедов

Their car was twice as ... as ours

өлшемі326,32 Kb.
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умк ин.яз A1-A2 -казахша ЖАУРОВА А.Б.

30. Their car was twice as ... as ours.
A) more expensive
B) expensive
C) expensivie
D) the most expensive

1. If Peter __________ (come) to my place, we__________ (go) to play in the yard.

A. come/will go
B. comes/will go
C. will come/go
D. will come/will go
2. If Peter__________ (not come) to my place, I __________ (watch) TV.

  1. don't come/won't watch

  2. doesn't come/will watch

  3. doesn't come/don't watch

  4. won't come/watch

3. If Frank’s parents__________ (have) their holidays in summer, they __________ (go) to the seaside.

  1. have/will go

  2. has/go

  3. will have/will go

  4. have/won't

4. If they __________ (have) their holidays in winter, they __________ (stay) at home.

  1. have/will stay

  2. has/will stay

  3. will have/will stay

  4. have/doesn't stay

5. If the fog _______ (thicken), Harold _______ (put up) the tent for the night.

  1. thickens/will put up

  2. thickens/puts up

  3. will thicken/puts up

  4. will thicken/will put up

6. When I _______ (finish) my work, I_______ (go) to the cinema.

  1. will finish/go

  2. finish/will go

  3. finishes/will go

  4. finish/go

7. We_______ (buy) this book as soon as our mother_______ (give) us some money.

  1. will buy/gives

  2. buys/will give

  3. buy/will give

  4. will buy/will give

8. When we _______ (come) to your place you_______ (show) us your present.

  1. comes/will show

  2. come/will show

  3. comes/shows

  4. will come/show

9. I_______ (return) you your ring when you_______ (ask) me.

  1. will return/ask

  2. return/will ask

  3. returns/will ask

  4. will returns/ask

10. I_______ (wait) for my friend until he_______ (come) from the shop.

  1. will wait/comes

  2. wait/will comes

  3. wait/will come

  4. will wait/come

11. My father_______ (start) writing before the sun _______ (rise).

  1. will start/rises

  2. starts/will rise

  3. will start/rise

  4. start/will rise

12. If you ______(heat) water to 100 degrees Celsius, it __________(boil).

  1. heat/boils

  2. will heat/boil

  3. heat/will boil

  4. heats/will boil

13. If the sun _______(go) down, it ______(get) dark.

  1. go/will get

  2. goes/gets

  3. will go/gets

  4. go/get

14. If you ______ ice, it__________.

  1. will heat/meltings

  2. heat/melts

  3. heat/can melts

  4. if heat/can melts

15. If he doesn't ___________, he _______hungry.

  1. eat/gets

  2. eat/ will gets

  3. can eat/getted

  4. eating/ could get

16. If I ___________ less, I ___________ better.

  1. eat/will feel

  2. will eat/can feel

  3. will eated/feels

  4. eate/will feel

17. If temperature _____ zero, water ________.

  1. will is/freezes

  2. is/can free

  3. is/freezes

  4. was/can free

18. When you ______ on holiday to Brazil, _______ sun cream .

  1. go away/take off

  2. will go/take

  3. went/took

  4. go/take

19. Zero Conditionals

  1. If + Present Simple, Present Simple

  2. If + Past Simple, would + infinitive

  3. If + Present Simple, Future Simple

  4. If + Past Perfect, would + infinitive

20. 1st Conditionals

  1. If + Past Perfect, would + Present Perfect

  2. If + Past Perfect, would + infinitive

  3. If + Present Simple, Future Simple

  4. If + Past Simple, would + infinitive

current – ағымдағы – текущий
efficient – тиімді, мамандандырылған – квалифицированный
opportunity – мүмкіндік – возможность
to borrow – қарыз алу – заимствовать, перенимать
to regret – өкіну – сожалеть
decision – шешім,таңдау – решение, выбор
21. Translate into English – ағымдағы – текущий

  1. Nowadays

  2. Efficient

  3. Current

  4. Currently

22. Translate into English – тиімді, мамандандырылған – квалифицированный

  1. Efficient

  2. Effective

  3. Scholarship

  4. Semester

23. Translate into English – мүмкіндік – возможность

  1. Importance

  2. Vital

  3. Opportunity

  4. Borrow

24. Translate into English – өкіну – сожалеть

  1. Demand

  2. Rescue

  3. Lack

  4. Regret

25. Translate into English – шешім,таңдау – решение, выбор

  1. Decide

  2. Decision

  3. Translation

  4. exam


1. The little girl was warned to keep ... from the tiger's cage.

  1. away

  2. far

  3. in

  4. behind

2. The circus troupe pulled ... the tent near the city.

  1. on

  2. in

  3. down

  4. up

3. I'm looking ... to meeting Mr. Price.

  1. up

  2. forward

  3. at

  4. about

4. My mum asked me to go to the shop because she ran ... milk.

  1. out off

  2. out from

  3. out

  4. out of

5. When George lost his job at Gordon's he decided to set ... his own business.

  1. on

  2. out

  3. by

  4. up

6. The detective looked ... the files of the case and understood there was something wrong with the testimony of the key witness.

  1. in

  2. through

  3. to

  4. among

7. In the end it turned ... that he was not telling the whole truth.

  1. out

  2. on

  3. down

  4. with

8. Sam let me ... when he decided to go on the trip without me.

  1. behind

  2. in

  3. down

  4. back

9. I was ... to leave when I heard the terrible news.

  1. in

  2. for

  3. on

  4. about

10. The burglar broke ... the Millers mansion when they were on their trip to Macedonia.

  1. in

  2. over

  3. on

  4. into

11. The policeman accidentaly came ... the most important clue in this case.

  1. on

  2. across

  3. to

  4. by

12. He carried ... his duties as a professional.

  1. on

  2. out

  3. through

  4. up

13. It was really difficult for her to get ... the shock of seeing this horrible event.

  1. through

  2. behind

  3. away

  4. over

14. What time does the plane take.......

  1. in

  2. off

  3. on

  4. up

15. Don't give .....! We're close to the finish line.

  1. over

  2. in

  3. up

  4. out

16. Could you take ...... the rubbish, please?

  1. out

  2. from

  3. on

  4. away

17. What are you looking ....... in this box?

  1. for

  2. up

  3. out

  4. away

18. Peter didn’t expect Rachel to show ..... at the party.

  1. on

  2. off

  3. in

  4. up

19. The doctor told me to give ...... smoking. I know I must do it for myself.

  1. in

  2. up

  3. out

  4. away

20. When you’re back home, please call me ....... as soon as possible.

  1. back

  2. off

  3. in

  4. out

21. It’s never late to ---------.

  1. Study

  2. Learn

  3. Read

  4. Write

22. ­­­­­­­________is an eye in the mind.

  1. Learning

  2. Learn

  3. Reading

  4. Listening

23. Translate into English- емтиханды жақсы тапсыру - хорошо сдать экзамен

  1. Fail

  2. Pass

  3. Give up

  4. Learn exam

24. Translate into English - оқу,үйрену – учиться

  1. Read

  2. Write

  3. Listen

  4. Learn

25. Translate into English - кесте – расписание

  1. Time

  2. Scholarship

  3. Timetable

  4. Table


1. A: You are ill. You _____ in the balcony. It isn't warm
outside. B: I'm wearing warm clothes. Don't worry.
A) needn't sit
B) can sit
C) must sit
D) mustn't sit
2. A: I don't want to leave my phone at the desk before I
enter the exam hall. _____? B: Unfortunately, yes. It is
the rule.
A) Can I
B) Must I
C) May I
D) Could I
3. A: You _____ wash those strawberries. I've already
washed them. B: Oh, good. Thank you.
A) needn't
B) must
C) couldn't
D) can
4. I _____ tell the time when I was 8 years old, but now I
A) can
B) couldn't
C) can't
D) could
5. A: _____ help you? B: Yes, please. I'm looking for a
leather jacket.
A) Must I
B) Have I
C) Can I
D) Did I
6. A: Betty _____ pay her rent today. B: I hope she has
enough money.
A) can
B) must
C) needn't
D) can't
7. Margaret _____ speak Italian and English, so she _____
work with a translator in this project.
A) needn't / mustn't
B) can't / couldn't
C) can / needn't
D) must / musn't
8. A: I _____ open this jar. B: Let me help you. _____ use
a knife? A: No problem.
A) can't / Can I
B) mustn't / Must I
C) needn't / May I
D) can / Could I
9. A: _____ turn on the volume of the radio? This is my
favourite song. B: Sure. You _____ ask me. I'm never
disturbed by the music.
A) May I / can't
B) Could I / must
C) Must I / could
D) Can I / needn't
10. A: _____ ask you a question? B: Yes, sure, but I _____
answer it if it is about my private life.
A) Do I / needn't
B) Can I / couldn't
C) May I / can't
D) Did I / could
11. A: I _____ work hard during the weekend. B: Why? A: I
_____ finish my weekly task yesterday.
A) can / mustn't
B) mustn't / must
C) can't / needn't
D) must / couldn't
12. She _____ smoke because she is pregnant and it is
harmful to the baby.
A) needn't
B) couldn't
C) mustn't
D) can
13. I _____ get a visa to go to England. I'm a citizen of
A) couldn't
B) mustn't
C) can't
D) needn't
14. A: _____ read and write when you were 5? B: No, I
A) Could you / couldn't
B) Can you / can't
C) May I / must
D) Must I / needn't
15. A: _____ pay any money for this treatment? B: No, you
A) Can I / didn't
B) Must I / needn't
C) May I / must
D) Could I / do
16. This medicine _____ heal you. Give it a try.
A) can
B) needn't
C) mustn't
D) couldn't
17. You _____ give up. You are strong enough to overcome
this problem.
A) mustn't
B) needn't
C) must
D) can
18. A: Jeremy _____ come to the dinner party today. B: I
know. As far as I know, he _____ go on a business trip.
A) can / hasn't
B) needn't / mustn't
C) can't / must
D) mustn't / has
19. A: I _____ speak English fluently before I stayed in
England for a year. B: But now you _____. That's very
A) could / could
B) must / needn't
C) couldn't / can
D) mustn't / must
20. A: _____ see your passport? B: Why _____ show it? A:
Because I need to see a picture ID.
A) Could I / may I
B) May I / could I
C) Must I / can I
D) Can I / must I
21. Translate into English - жатахана – общежитие

  1. Dormitory

  2. Home

  3. Flat

  4. University

22. Translate into English – міндетті – обязательный

  1. Important

  2. Vital

  3. Experience

  4. Compulsory

23. Translate into English – бірінші курс студенті – первокурсник

  1. Freshman

  2. First year

  3. Third year

  4. Sophomore

24. Complete: ______ at the university is so much fun because you meet a lot of unique people.

  1. Learning

  2. Studying

  3. Going

  4. Translating

25. Complete: _________ a higher education path is always hard

  1. Find

  2. Get

  3. Choosing

  4. Know

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